I'm going to cry, my hair is ORANGE! *Updated*


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Yeh as the title says :cry: :cry:

My hair was Bright Purple! Yeh :wall: Seemed a great idea at Christmas when I was still in Uni!

And being as I'm currently trying to find a job ... i thought well i may look a bit more respectable having my Natural Blonde again!

So being as it was sooo dark ... i bleached it last week and have looked like a fool walking around with bleached hair till now (it said to wait a couple of days before putting colour on it), when I *TRIED* to dye it as close to my Natural colour as i could ... and it's ORANGE!

I'm devastated :cry: It's not funny! I don't know what i'm going to do ... I don't have the money to go to a hairdressers to sort it, so now instead of having atleast neat purple hair I have Orange Streaked Bleached Hair!

I am not amused! So come on come and laugh at me, my OH hasn't stopped :cry:

Meanwhile I'm going to sit here and sulk ... !
you can try re-bleaching it to get past the copper stage, you have to leave it on for ages but it might take a couple of goes!
i've had the dreaded orange hair a few times as used to dye it all manner of colours and it would always end up orange!
to be honest i just got loreal in dark red and did it at home- but if you really want it blonde then you could try one of them in the lightest blonde and leave it on as long as your allowed!!

i know the orange is shite- i just had to keep dyeing it red until the bleach grew out :-(

luckily for me i like red hair!
Haha, thanks Hun! Well I think I might take a trip out tomorrow and see which other colour i could dye it which will hopefully cover my orange! (While going out in a hat i must add!)

I just hope that will take though, as it's almost as if the colour i tried to put on tonight didn't take :think: :think: lol !
lol aw the shite that comes with having cool hair eh!!
any darkish colour will cover it- red/brown/black just make sure you smother it
and don't miss any!! :-)
Haha i would post a pic, but i don't have a camera ... shame it is actually quite funny now!

It's sort of settled as a Strawberry Blonde / Ginger now! I have been and bought a brown dye now though to try, just need to build up the courage to try again! Wonder what colour my hiar will turn out this time!!
I was told to avoid anything with red tones when dying over my bleached bits as can go pink and my sister (who's a hairdresser)also said to use a semi for awhile she recommended for me that I used a chocolate brown color which worked well although it doesnt last as long as it would on my hair normally
Well the dye i've got is actually called 'Fudge Brown', so it's darker, and a sort of chocolate brown!
I will be doing it tonight so i'll let you know how it turns out!

Not sure how I'll look as a Brunette though, never had Brown hair before!
KittyMom said:
Well the dye i've got is actually called 'Fudge Brown', so it's darker, and a sort of chocolate brown!
I will be doing it tonight so i'll let you know how it turns out!

Not sure how I'll look as a Brunette though, never had Brown hair before!

Sorry for butting in... but your Fudge Brown.... is it one of Boots own colours? As I used to use it and it is a bugger to lift the colour when you do want to go back to blonde!!! Lots of trips to the salon!
Hehe, no it's a Wilkinson's one (I was a cheap skate lol!)

Ooooo I just wanted to be my blonde again .... *Stamps My Feet! IT'S NOT FAIR!*


It's all so complicated!!
Just thought I'd update lol ... I've actually kept it Orange hehe!

I've decided I quite like it ... i'm weird i know! :cheer: :cheer:
LOL orange is cool! I had orange a few years ago......

Can I ask what purple you were using I just posted a topic about it I have Mystic Purple here with me and I wanna know if it turns out alright hehe?xxx
if you put a toner on it, it will get rid of the orange so if you dyed it blonde again you
would get an even coverage!!
I went from purple to blonde a few weeks ago with the bright orange stage inbetween!

I used to lots of bleach leaving a days break in between to allow my hair to settle, on the third day I brought blonde hair dye as close to my naturel color as I could, shoved it in left it slightly longer then I should have done, a couple days once it settled down it look normal!
Though if you ahve long hair you will need more then one bottle!

My poor hubby did it for me! Hes vowed never to do it again!
Ha Thanks Hun, I just posted asking you in the other thread! :hug: :hug:

Looks like I will have to Bleach again I think, then try with the Blonde again!

I'm sure I will be fed up of the Orange soon enough, and then I will try again!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
samandbump said:
if you put a toner on it, it will get rid of the orange so if you dyed it blonde again you
would get an even coverage!!

Ooooo what's a toner ... :think: :think: :think: I will have alook for one! Thanks :cheer:
I used standard boots 99p bleach, I ended up with very white roots, and carrot orange ends, I have a photo somewere hubby couldnt stop laughing!!

Just seen your pic, its a lush purple, But I found with pale roots, it made me look like I was going bald from a distance

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