Advice on Thrush - Updated - Embarrasing!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi everyone!

I think Mhairi has Thrush in her mouth. I'm planning on taking her to clinic this afternoon to see the gp.

The white patches are only on the inside of her lips, I can't see any on her tongue.

Has anyones LO had this? Does what I've described sound right?

I also noticed some discharge in her nappy, but not sure if that's related!!

And her foo has been red......god, as i'm typing this i'm realising it probably is Thrush!!!

Oh well, clinic here we come! For the third week in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!

When amber was poorly a while back they checked her mouth for thrush...i asked the doc what they look for and they said white does sound like it to me...

Get to GP and they will prescribe something. Not sure about the discharge in her nappy or whether they are related...doc will reassure.

Hope all goes well xx
Took Mhairi to the doctors yesterday and......... :oops:

It was one of our GPs who can be a bit obtuse. If you go in saying "I think I've got BlahBlah" He'll say "I'll be the judge of that" and then try his best to prove you wrong!

Anyways, he's had slightly more respect for my opinion since I joined the ambulance service.

So in we go. "What's the problem Elaine?"

Me - "Well I think Mhairi has thrush. She has white patches on the inside of her lips and she's drooling a lot"

Him - "Show me"

I show him the patches and say "She's also got a bit of a rash, not on her bum like nappy rash, but on her ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FOO FOO!!!!" :oops: :oops: :shock:

He threw me a look and then burst out laughing! He said "That's a new one, but I did have a woman last week complaing about her "flower" and I've heard the female genitals are now being refered to as "Fanjita"!!"

Well, :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I almost peed my pants!!!

So, anyway, he gave me gel for her mouth and cream for her foo :oops:

Why oh why couldn't I say "genitals"!?!?!?


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