my little one has thrush :-(


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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hi guys

so nice to see familiar names, wondered where everyone I made friends with in tri 3 had gone,,,,,helllooooo

well, wee mhairi has thrush, it is in her mouth and down below and i am really upset about it, how has this happened, my mother-in-law has it too, who has given to who ?

Mhairi also has green poo which is stressing me out....i have heard this is normal

breast feeding is going ok but now im worried il get thrush on my nipples and it will be too sore, i am finding this all stressful but wonderful at same time.

When i have more time and experience as a mum il post some replies.

look forward to catching up, I have e-mailed happy chick some photos as im unsure as to upload them

baby crying better go

I'd definitely recommend you treat it now - if you're not already! - and get some cream for yourself just in case she passes it on to you, because it will be agony feeding her if it gets onto your nipples. That should mean even if you do start getting the symptoms you can clear it up quickly and continue to feed her, because I came very close to cracking and giving him a bottle it was that painful.

Green poo is also normal, I wouldn't worry about it - just relax and enjoy your time with her :) Oliver usually has bright orange poos that look like curry but they can vary a lot!

I hope everything carries on going well.
Hiya :wave:

Charlie had oral thrush too, tbh it didn't really affect his feeding etc (he is bottle fed), but had quite a thick white coat on his tongue. The mw got a prescription for daktarin gel for us and it cleared up brilliantly, however it did come back but just used the gel again and he has been clear for the last couple of weeks.

It is common in newborns though so don't worry but it does need to be treated as it can affect feeding and I hear it is nasty if it passes over to you while feeding. Hope you get sorted out soon, look forward to chatting again :hug:
yes, it is common so don't worry, just make sure you both get treatment to prevent it being passed backawards and forewards. :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks ever so much guys

i had midwife out this morning and she did a swab, it is not in her mouth mainly her lady parts, i think i have it too, i have some cream as i am prone.

god, you get so worried about them don't you...people say you never stop worrying


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