Advice on scan pic please - diagnosed threatened miscarriage


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Sep 24, 2015
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I'm 7-8 weeks pregnant and a week ago got sent to hospital fir checks as I had some slight yellow discharge and was worried. It's difficult for me as I live in Spain (Spanish is still poor too!) so there is a language barrier both ways - she put me at 8 weeks then from last period but I've never been regular so think I am only just 8 weeks now. My notes said I'd come due to light bleeding and some pain which is not quite right as I was trying to explain I had no pain but could constantly feel "something" if that makes sense - I believe (hope) it's the stretching etc?

Anyway she did a trans vaginal ultrasound and said the light bleeding had stopped (I don't know if she means she could see blood? Or if she meant the bleeeding she thinks I said - the lost in translation part!) but she said the gestational sac is very big and she's not sure if the thing measuring 5.8 mm is the embryo or not. Got told to rest and come back in 10 days for another scan.

Problem is I've done nothing but google and am really worried about the sac size - can anyone, from previous experience, look at my scan photos and offer any advice? I can't see a yolk sac or fetal pole not that I know what to look for but it just looks like a cloud to me! Also I'm worried because shouldn't there definitely have been a heartbeat last week? On the one hand I want to keep positive but I also don't want to be falsely hopeful - she seemed to be pretty 50/50 it'll either be ok or it's the start of a miscarriage...

Have read about blighted ovums too - petrified of that - is it likely? Or would the big sac be totally empty?

Sorry for the long message - just v confused! Also some symptoms have gone - I'm still nauseous and high sense of smell but my boobs aren't sore or tender at all this week.

I'd appreciate any advice/thoughts!

Thank you xx


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Hi Melanissa
I'm really sorry I dont have any advice for you - I can't read scans. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck. Hope the next 10 days don't go too slowly for you xx
I sympathise because I live in Portugal and getting used to the system and the language barrier can be fustrating.

I'm afraid I cant help with what is actually going on but a few things occur to me. The term "threatened miscarriage" may or may not be based on the scan results. They have to write something on your file as a reason for your visit. I'm thinking it might have been written down as the reason for your visit as soon as you said you had bleeding so it might not really mean that much in itself.

Its could just be early to see a HB still especially if you are not sure of your dates and bleeding is not that uncommon even in healthy pregnancies. Does the 'something' feeling you have feel like mild period cramps? I am getting that already and had it both my other pregnancuies and it was normal.

I had problems with bleeding behind my placenta in my first pregnancy and we were not given another scan for 6 weeks and I didnt want to wait so long so decided to do a private one. We found a doctor that does private 3D scans. It cost about 100 euros. The difference in quality of his equipment was imense. He could see much more detail. I dont know if there is anyone in your area and if you can afford it but its worth considering a private scan.

I dont know anything about the large sac. If you really want more info about it maybe you could post on the miscarriage and lost forum because the ladies there have had experience with things like blighted ovums.

I have found it very fustrating because I had irregular periods before this pregnancy and the last one but did OPKs so I knew better tham my LMP how many weeks I am but no doctor has ever paid any attention to that, they just look at me like I'm crazy when I mention it.

I really hope it works out for you, let us know how it goes.
The heart beat is usually detected between 6-7 weeks I'm in the U.K. Maybe the ultrasound equipment isn't as good in Spain, if you have no pain or bleeding I would keep positive. The yellow discharge maybe is an infection? I can see something in there but I'm not an expert on scans. I hope your next scan is a positive result and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Xxx

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