Advice - I want to help my mum give up smoking


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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My mum has tried time & time again. When I was pregnant with DD I said to her that she would not babysit if she smoked and she gave up for about 8 months but then had trouble at work and went back to it.

I hate her smoking, I feel she is slowly commiting sucide, she smells and her car smells and I hate it when Isabella goes in there.

Any good ideas I can throw her way
me and hubby both read the allen carr stop smoking book and it worked for us.
we both smoked over 20 a day and for the best part of 10 years.
you have to want to give it up though or it wont work
good luck helping her
mandfa xx
Cant really help with any advice for her etc, but my dads recently quit. He was referred by his GP to one of those help group things, that sort out the patches and nicotine gum etc for you aswell.

I think its 6 or 7 weeks you go for, and you set a quitting date on the 3rd week... hes been officially stopped for 6 weeks i think now, he has say 1 a week if he gets really stressed out... but he is doing good with it, hes tried countless times in the past, all different drugs, methods etc and none have ever work, he just gets stressed and goes back to it... but seems to be doing good now, especially with all the grandchildren pushing him on and tellin him hes jus killing himself etc.

He's been smoking 40-60 per day for the past 40 odd years :shock:
Cor that is good if you dad has done it.

I think I will have a search for a 'Help quit smoking' group for my mum.
Eveadel said:

Is the book a scare tactic type one?

nope almost the opisite you have to smoke while reading the book its really good
manda xx
My mum & stepdad smoked for over 20 years and used the Alan Car book to stop smoking. My sister also used it when she found out she was pregnant and smoked for 12 years.
my mum smoked for about 40 years or something stupid, and she went to one of those stop smoking groups and it seems to have worked for her. I just kept telling her that since i quit, i think its totally disgusting and it makes me ill, and no one who smokes would be going anywhere near the baby. I also told her i found it embarrassing being with her when she was smoking because its quite lokoed down upon nowadays.....harsh...but it worked!! :twisted: :dance: She's been given up for about 2 / 3 months now, and i can be at ease with her holding izzie and her not be breathing crap all over her! Also her car and house stank and even though she wouldnt smoke when me and Beth wer there, we still smelled weird afterwards cos the smell was all over her house :puke:

I hope your mum manages to give up :hug: :hug: :hug:
ime & my sister gave up from going to the smoking classes run through our GP, i had been smoking for over 10 yrs :oops: since i was about 14, so more like 14 yrs, it was sooo hard, but i did it with Patches & an inhalater thing that you puff on.

been given up for 4 yrs now & its one of the best things i've ever done :D good luck to your mum :D
Thanks everyone.

Im sort of blackmailing my mum :shock: I have a fear of flying and my mum has a villa in Spain and I have said that I will go there if she gives up smoking :shock:

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