Advice from the mummy's please ....

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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As you all know, im measuring 34 weeks at the mo, and have been told i need growth scans now every 2-3 weeks (next one 9th April) on the growth scan last week they confirmed baby is approx 3 weeks ahead for size!!

So now its just waiting till the next scan to see what happens.
My qu is though, has anyone had this threw there pregnancy were its been confirmed its a big baby??

When i had the consultation after with the doc she sed "soooo baby might be here early"

So does this mean that my baby might naturally come on her own sooner as she is bigger ty han average, or does this mean as she is big they can look at startin me off earlier or c-section.....I honestly do not have a clue what to think. :wall2: or how to prepare my self!:shock:

Iv kinda just been told shes a big girl and then told now to wait till the next growth scan....So im thinkin and ticking things over in my mind!!! Im really big and already so uncomfy as coz bump hasn't dropped yet i cant breathe good, i sound like an old fella lol and i cant eat loads, obviously coz its all squashed up!! Iv got the "woddle" going on good and proper and i can not get comfy ever!!! especially in bed:sleep:

So as much as i no u wont be able to tell me, just some general advice will be good if its poss please

thank you :)

They dont generally induce you just because you're having a 'big' baby. I've measured ahead with my last 2 and had growth scans this time. I asked what they'd do if he did look 'big' and the MW said 'nothing'. not sure the point of growth scans really as a. they dont do anything usually and b. they are notorious for being wrong!
Thanks mum, do you think baby cud come early? is this generally the case? oh god im so confused ya know haha

I was told i was having a big baby, my MW measured me about 2-3 weeks ahead from about 33 weeks but said there was no point in doing a growth scan as they arent accurate and i'm pretty tall (5 foot 9) so i'd be fine with a big one! how rude!! Well turns out he wasnt massive at all and even at 10 days late he was only 8lb 15oz. Big compared to some i know but not huge! xx
aww well thats gud :)

i weighed 10lbs and antony weighed just under 10lbs, so i thought we was gunna have a big bubs anyway.

Ill just have to wait and see what happens

I was measuring 3 weeks ahead at 35 weeks with my 2nd son...had him a week later! But I don't think it was down to him being big, I think it was an untreated water infection that brought on early labour as I was in pain with my back, sides and belly for about 2 weeks.

They weren't that bothered about me being big for dates and didn't put me down for any growth scans. He was born at 6lbs 11oz after, not massive but a very good size for 36 weeks and they said born full term he wouldve been about 8 and a half - 9lb baby. I'm only 5ft 1! Lol

I wouldn't worry too much Hun, the midwives know what they are doing and if they arn't overly concerned then all will be fine xx

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