Mumswho had gestational diabetes

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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I have now been put on insulin for this,

My fundal height is consistently 4 weeks ahead, the last growth scan her belly was 4 weeks ahead, i have another growth scan tomorrow

At every consultant appointment so far they have said that i wont reach my due date, but dont actually give me an idea as to when she will be coming :wall:

I just wondered if any of you were induced and if so at how many weeks, and how big were your babies measuring before they decided to induce you?
I was told that lil miss wouldn't get beyond 3.6kg before they would induce me. But tbh, thats not that big, in fact its tiny to me :think:

I did lots of research into GD, and the do not routinely induce with GD unless there is some major health issues concerning mum and baby, they just watch to make sure that you don't get too big. Such as 4/5kg. I was adamant though that I would not be induced base on size alone. I felt that it was important for lil miss to get as much time in mummy as she required. As it was I only just got to 39 weeks according to my EDD and popped naturally. Also inductions have their own associated risks so its a good thing to wait and see how big you LO is through scans and health wise other than to jump into an induction.

As for fundal height, its not a very good indicator... I was measuring small, about 4 weeks behind due to having low fluid but lil miss came out 4.04kg (thats near 9lbs). My growth scans always said she was a couple of weeks ahead.

Just go with the flow, read up on it so you can make an informed decision based on your own personal circumstances...exercise and your diet are you best weapons too. :D
I had GD and was put on 4 times a day Insulin. My blood sugar was 12-13 before Iwent in the Insulin and then it went down to between 3.5 to 8

I measured right on target according to my weekly scans, but Theo was 10lb at birth. So they cannot really say it all just guesstimates :?

I was told they wouldnt let me go over 39 weeks due to the fact that with GD there can be complications with the placenta in late pregnancy, I got to 38 weeks then had a section. Maybe it depends on your health authority as to whether they let you go full term, but they were very adamant that I would not go past 39 weeks, even though the scans were showing my placenta was working fine. Mind you probably a good thing as Theo was so big at 38 weeks if I had gone full term plus I could have had a 12 pounder :shock:

Its all a bit overwhelming tbh.....get as much info as you can, and try not to worry too much.

Oh nealy forgot......soon as Theo was born the GD went away, even though the doctor predicted it wouldnt due to my very high sugar no more insulin bm'ing :cheer:
Thanks for your replies! :hug:

Jue i am in a similar boat with the high sugar levels, was struggling to get below 10 or 11 somedays since the insulin it has gone down a little but its still not that low so i reckon they will probably up my dosage tomorrow when i see them again,

Squiglet - my diet is spot on - all sugar has been cut out as per dieticians instructions but makes no difference thats why they put me on the insulin, also because of the SPD i cant do any exercise so just hoping that maybe an increase in insulin slows her down a little in size!

I have it in my head around 37-38 weeks, i am struggling now with the size of her and my SPD and also not feeling well due to anaemia etc so will be happy if they suggest induction around then, some babys are born of their own accord at that time anyway arent they

Jue- did you have a c-section due to babys size?
sorry to butt in but did you ladies have to inject your insulin?
hennaly....Yes I injected 4 times a day plus monitored my sugar levels several times.

Naomi....that is high sugar levels.....I had constant contact with my diabetes midwife, I could ring her every day and also had an emergency after hours number for when she wasnt working. Maybe you could ask if you can have the same? Have they explained everything so you can understand, its important that you know what sugar levels you should be working towards, and also what the signs of a hypo are too?

I was told that you should try to maintain a level of between 3.5 and 5.5 before breakfast, then no higher than 7.5 2hours after meals, if it went higher, I had to call my midwife, and if it was high more than twice they would increase my insulin.

I also had spd so exercise was out, and I was massive ans very uncomfortable, so I have complete sympathy for you. My diabetes wasnt caused by a bad diet, as my diet was fine, I didnt have to change a thing, I think it was probably stress combined with my age (38). So try to keep stress free.

I didnt have the section due to lo's size, in fact he was measuring just right according to my scans, which you should have weekly from about 34 weeks onwards.......they guesstimated his weight to be around 71/2 lb's at birth, but he was 10lb.

I had a section previously with my dd, and I could have been induced, but after talking to my consultant, getting advice on here and loads of research, I decided on the section, it was right for me.

I only had 1 problem, and that was that Theo had a heart murmur at time I was discharged, it had gone :cheer:

If you need someone to chat to, I am here, just shout :hug:
Thanks jue, :hug:

Been back today, baby is currently 6lb 1oz according to growth scan, and measuring around 36 weeks size, i am back every two weeks now for growth scans etc so at least they are keeping an eye out, my insulin has been upped from 10 units twice a day to 14 so we shall see if that makes a difference, i was staying at around 8 before breakfast and 9-10 after food so it needed upping

Wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have the spd, it doesnt help when carrying a heavier baby does it!
can you not go swimming?... It would be a lovely break for you to have your bump weight supported by the water for just an hour and you'd get the benefit of getting exercise too :)
would love to but there are 3 pools local to me - 2 are part of a private health clubs and the other has those awful ladder things to get in and out of and i couldnt manage it, i struggle to get out of a chair!

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