Advice for a friend with no access to computer at the moment


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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One of my friends is about 9-10 weeks pregnant but she is not telling anyone just now (well apart from me as she had been asking how I was feeling etc)

She is having her booking appointment this Saturday but doesnt yet have a date for her 12 week scan. She has had sickness and tiredness but the sickness has disappeared. I have said to her that mines did that, I worried then it came back with a passion.

She was pregnant last year and when she went for her 12 week scan the doctor said that there was no heartbeat and the baby looked like it had stopped growing at about 7 weeks :(

She is worried that she has had a silent miscarriage which she has been told by her GP are rare (obviously i cannot comment on this as this is my first pregnancy)

She is really just looking for reassurance as to how likely it is that she could miscarry again and I said that you girls on here are extremely helpful and supportive.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated for her.

Thanks xx
I don't think you can calculate risk of miscarriage ... and having never had one I have no idea.

However, symptoms come and go, I specifically remember mine happened at 9 weeks, I suddenly felt fine, and was worried sick that something was wrong. I went to see GP on a seperate matter and spoke to her about my worries and she sent me for a reassurance scan.

If your friend is worried, the best thing she can do is phone EPU (which is advised if your symptoms disappear) or wait till booking appt and speak to midwife on Saturday.

I really hope that everything is ok - I'm sure she will get a relapse in her symptoms soon ... I did!
Having one miscarriage statictically puts you at no more risk of having a second one than if it were your first pregnancy

(risk is thought to be 1 in 5 pregnancies end in m/c but these stat's aren't accurate as lots of women may suffer chemical pregnancies and not even know!!)

Basically first pregnancy and second pregnnacy after miscarriage have the same odd's of ending in a loss.

If you have a second loss your odd's of having a thrid increase a little and if you have a 3rd loss you are 50/50 to have another - that is why they will send you for tests after m/c number 3. Tests are only 30% likely to find a cause!!

As my tests showed no reason for recurrent m/c Dr said that statistically I went back to 1 in 5 chance of m/c this time around :shock:

If your friend cannot wait, I would advise her to book an early reassurance scan!

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Hello everyone, im Kaz's friend. Bit of info - I have three beautiful children and have never suffered a miscarage before, so when i got pregnant with my fourth child I took it for granted that everything would be ok, so when I went for my scan at 12 weeks it was a bit of a shock to see that my baby had no heartbeat and measured up at about 7weeks. I'd had no symptoms, no bleeding no cramping, nothing - apart from this horrible feeling that something was wrong, which i'd never felt with any previous pregnancys. I had to go into hospital, because i was told my body hadnt regestered anything was wrong.
Recently Ive just found out im pregnant again and this time Im not as confident. I did ask my gp or an early scan but was told as id had 3 children, a miscarage at some point was likely? and that i wasnt to worry and to just treat this as a normal pregnancy. Ive had sickness and tiredness but lately, although i still feel tired, the sickness isnt as bad. I dont know whether this is because im just getting better at timing my eating so as i dont feel queezy or whether its faded off. I finally see the midwife on saturday, and then she's going to book me in for a scan. Just worried sick that im going to go for my scan again at 12 weeks and the same things going to have happened. Again, I have no bleeding, spotting, cramping, or anything to indicate anythings wrong, i suppose im just looking for reasurrance x Thanks for listening x
Hi hun,

As I posted above, statisically you are at no higher risk from another miscarriage.

I know that doesn't stop you feeling scared and worried BUT chances are this pregnnacy will be just fine.

I am not sure if you'll be able to get a ressurance scan on the NHS but if you can try and book and early private scan for reassurance. Maybe wait until 8 or 9 weeks so you get past that scary point of 7 weeks?

Best of luck

All of my symptoms went at around 9-10 weeks and i still had 3 weeks till my scan, was convinced something had gone wrong, I was tempted to pay for a private scan just to check, although i managed to hold out in the end is this an option for you? x
I guess the only thing is to wait it out hun, congratulations x
i "think" Im about 9/10 weeks now, but my fear is going for the scan and finding out its stopped growing again at 7 weeks. I'll probably hold out for my nhs scan - im seeing the midwife on sat so im hoping she'll book my scan asap x I'd never even heard of silent miscarages before it happened to me xx

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