

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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i've just read in the paper that from january there won't be ANY adverts about formula being used under 6months and hardley any for babies 6months or over cos of new eu rules...

i have no problem with breastfeeding was planning to do so myself but this really annoyed me :x

Some mums can't breast feed or it's just not for them so why should they miss out on info about it as they are also banning adverts in magazines too :x
leckershell said:
Please refer to... ... hp?t=53093

A different first post, but a similarly themed discussion.. please no more b vs b arguments, i don't have the energy tonight :(

To be fair though it is a different discussion.
Having a news article about breast vs bottle is one thing but banning all advertising for certain forumla is outrageous!!! ! I can be allowed to have advertising directed at me and my child for things like MacDonalds, Haribo, rubbish dangerous toys which are constantly being recalled because they pose a safety issue but I can't see advertising for formula?

why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

Sorry if I've completely misunderstood this thread :think:

Lou :?
lou said:
why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

Because then the bottle feeders get offended.. see my link. Just can't win.
Its a shame people get touchy about it. Oh well we've all got things that make us pee'd off I suppose.

But banning adverts? I just don't understand why?
Im officilly over my getting touchy about bottle feeding - hey as long as the baby is fed who cares right?

I read that in the paper also and thought oh ok, but the goverment is righti guess in promoting breastfeeding but if someone cant breatfeed then they will be informed of formula.
lou said:
leckershell said:
Please refer to... ... hp?t=53093

A different first post, but a similarly themed discussion.. please no more b vs b arguments, i don't have the energy tonight :(

To be fair though it is a different discussion.
Having a news article about breast vs bottle is one thing but banning all advertising for certain forumla is outrageous!!! ! I can be allowed to have advertising directed at me and my child for things like MacDonalds, Haribo, rubbish dangerous toys which are constantly being recalled because they pose a safety issue but I can't see advertising for formula?

why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

Sorry if I've completely misunderstood this thread :think:

Lou :?

Totally agree
Do ya know i read this in the paper last night and was disgusted
Not because i was a bottle feder and was up in arms, but because since being on the forum i realise how difficult it is for some mums to breastfeed and that you very rarley get the support you need.

I don't agree with banning the adverts/information completley but any mum or mum to be knows that there is formula out there if needed

What i was disgusted by is that a national association of midwives wants a complete blanket ban on any mention of formula altogether, I thought yeah ok as long as mums get the support in hospitals and afterwards that they need, this woman doesn't seem to realise that it is not just a case of baby to boob and off you go, it takes skill and practise( i don't know this from experiance just through reading what hard times some of you ladies have had)
If the NHS erc.. put more effort and money in to promoting breastfeeding instead of slagging off bottle feeding maybe the demand wouldn't be there for formula
lou said:
I can be allowed to have advertising directed at me and my child for things like MacDonalds, Haribo, rubbish dangerous toys which are constantly being recalled because they pose a safety issue but I can't see advertising for formula?

why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

I agree :)
lou said:
I can be allowed to have advertising directed at me and my child for things like MacDonalds, Haribo, rubbish dangerous toys which are constantly being recalled because they pose a safety issue but I can't see advertising for formula?

why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

LOL Lou... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: How true is that...!!!!

Also I can have alcohol and violent video games advertised to my child... but obviously formula milk is soooooo evil it rivals B&H ciggies.... :rotfl: It is so silly...
It's daft. I mean,I do believe "breast is best" but by that definition,I don't believe that formula feeding your baby means it will come down with the dreaded lurgies,as you horsewhip yourself in guilt that you didn't bf.There's better,less offensive ways to promote breastfeeding,and I am totally in agreement that if they are going to ban formula ads,they should ban Mcd ads etc as well.

But hey,at least it's not like you can't get formula except on prescription,like they do in new Zealand or somewhere
well I think it's stupid... I started of bfeeding JT.. didnt stick it out and def plan on doing it more with next baby and can't wait... HOWEVER... that choice is mine! If I choose to breast or bottle feed it has nothing to do with anyone else and information on BOTH options should be available .. so there :lol:
lou said:
I can be allowed to have advertising directed at me and my child for things like MacDonalds, Haribo, rubbish dangerous toys which are constantly being recalled because they pose a safety issue but I can't see advertising for formula?

why is this? Am I missing something?
If the reason is to encourage more breastfeeding then surely rather than limit peoples choices why not increase peoples awareness with more breastfeeding advertising?

Any mention of the benefits of breatfeeding though seems to add the guilt on other people. When they published the research into how breastfeeding can increase IQ if a certain gene is present there were posts saying how bad that was,how rubbish etc so anymore will probably piss of more people. However I do believe that they should put more money into resources supporting mothers breastfeeding as this country has a terrible record for that and its no wonder so many women give up when they get no help or get told complete untruths by people who are meant to be health professionals.

from january there won't be ANY adverts about formula being used under 6months
this has been the case for a number of years now so I don't understand this?

Yes give unbiased information about bottlefeeding if asked but not sure if advertising can be described as this.
You can't currently advertise formula for babies under 6 months anyway. Just goes to show that the clever way the follow on milk is advertised is making some women believe the adverts are for babies under 6 months.

I agree with the ban. Formula adverts makes some women believe that formula is 'close to breastmilk' when it's not.
Most formula adverts do say across the screen at the bottom that it is not meant to replace breastmilk, or something along those lines, so I do think people should be given the benefit of the doubt and allowed to make up their own minds.

When I had my girls the support for breastfeeding was appalling, im not sure how different it is now 12 years on, but I agree with all the others who say that its this lack of support that needs to change.
I'm yet to meet somebody who believes that formula is superior to breast milk. EVERYONE knows breast milk is the best thing you can give your baby. We can't all breast feed though so what alternative do we have? - formula! It IS the next best thing to breast milk because it is the ONLY thing other than breast milk.

Arghhhh!!! Why can't I see advertising for it? Why would anyone plan to breast feed then see an advertisment for formula and think 'do you know what, I don't fancy giving my baby my nutricious, anti-body giving, FREE breast milk, I'd rather spend a fortune on some powdered milk from a carton than has god knows what added to it and will proably give my baby cronic wind'. ??????

I know some women don't breast feed because they don't like the idea of it but they also surely deserve the right to choose formula and have sufficient information in order to choose the one they want?

oooo it makes me mad :x
I agree with you in part Lou but tbh we live in a society where it is the norm to bottlefeed, where you get tutted at in public because you are breastfeeding, and where all dolls come with a little plastic bottle as it is the norm. I personally would like to see more images of breastfeeding, on tv, in the media etc but it won't happen at this time.
beanie said:
I agree with you in part Lou but tbh we live in a society where it is the norm to bottlefeed, where you get tutted at in public because you are breastfeeding, and where all dolls come with a little plastic bottle as it is the norm. I personally would like to see more images of breastfeeding, on tv, in the media etc but it won't happen at this time.

Yeah I totally agree. I'd honestly never thought about them things :eek: I can't believe people would tut at you in public for breast feeding. Its a natural thing to do. As for the dolls I can understand them having a bottle, I mean how else can little girls pretend to feed their babies, its a tricky one isn't it! I would also like to see more images and promotion of breast feeding but I don't think the answer is to take away bottle feeding advertising.

I bought a Topsy and Tim book yesterday about a new baby (to show Brody)

The baby in the story gets breastfed :D
I keep thinking this thread should go into the feeding section but I dunno if it's more about the adverts or the feeding!

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