**Admin/Office/Tourism Employees...Need Help Please!!**


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Right, I have an Interview for Thomson Holidays on Tuesday for a Admin/Office Junior job working in their reservations department, so whilst my Mum has Harrison for the day I thought I would start to prepare myself for it and am wondering what sort of questions should I expect them to ask me?? and what questions should I ask them??
Any help would be very much appreciated :hug:
Firstly good luck :pray:

I guess they will ask you questions about admin, can you use a computer! what experience you have, can you work on your own initiative (give examples) are you a team player? (give examples) can you work to deadlines etc (tell them you can, if they don't ask!!)

Also they may ask you about Thomson, what their products are, so I would brush up on that if I were you i.e holidays, airline (Thomsonfly) etc where do they fly to etc who owns the company, how big the company is, what their strategies & aims are etc http://www.thomson.co.uk/editorial/feat ... ction.html and http://www.thomson.co.uk/editorial/lega ... omson.html

Ask what the job entails, what the long term prospects would be for you i.e promotion (makes it look like you want a career, rather than just a job!) where you see yourself in the future (with Thomson) pay structure, pension that sort of thing.

Sorry, can't think what else at the mo. :think: but give the interviewer lots of eye contact, smiles, firm handshake, be positive & enthusiastic about everything you say, be confident but not arrogant, sit up straight, dress smartly & you'll walk it :D
even though i was an office junior i cant remember ANY of the questions they asked - possibly because i was so nervous :oops: but if i can get the job hun you definatly can!!!

Did you have job description when you applied for the job as a lot of the questions will be based round that such as:

can you give us an example of how you dealt with a complaint or can you explain how you would prioritise you workload

have a look on the Thompson website and familiarise yourself a little with the company and the big thing is if you done have an example tell them, dont try and make one up or say something like:

I dont have an actual example but if I was in that position I would do this.....

you can use examples from school and home life if you done have any actual examples from work situations.
the interviewers will already know from your application form what sort of experience you already have and they will be expecting your answers based on that.

good luck and try not to worry
Great advice girls, left me eith nothing much to say!
Good luck hun, great your preparing for the interview in advance :D xxx
Brillaint advise girls

1 thing to add:

Why do you want the job and why should they pick you over someone else?

yep agree with what others have said, basically when you get to interview you're just as good on paper as anyone else being interviewed that day!

I always ask competency based questions and am looking for examples..it does help to have a clear and positive answer to the old classic 'why do you want this job?' its kinda offputting if people are umming and aaaing about that one.

At the end of the day they're probably looking for a personality that fits their workplace too..

Good luck honey!! I usually get more nervous than the people i interview!
When I went for my current job they asked me some toughies...

Have you ever been in a situation where your integrity was challenged?
What's your understanding of Data Protection and Confidentiality?

The top one was tough, as it makes you drop yourself in it and admit you weren't trusted at one point, but as long as you can pull yourself out it's ok.

But that's admin in the police so I doubt you'd get those!

all i can do is repeat the above!

oh, one piece of advise - we where interviewing a chap, and his answer to one question was "well to be honest, i spend most of my time clock watching, so as soon as it hits 5, i can go to the pub".

funny enough he didn't get the job!!

ooo.. try and have some questions to ask them! even if you sit and tick them off as they answer them.

Good luck huni!! :hug: what time is it at?
Think the girls have covered it...........just try to be confident in your replies, and give a good firm hand shake when they meet you. Confidence speaks louder than uncertain answers.

I always ask what applicants think of their current/ previous employer to see what their loyalty is....so never slag off a previous employer even if you have to dress the truth up a bit!

Lots of luck :pray: :hug:
Thankyou ladies you have been a great help in my preparation, I have copied some questions from a website, deleted ones i dont think are appropriate, i do appologise there are a few but do you think i have got all the essential ones or need to add a few? sorry :oops:

List of interview questions relating to the new job / company

1. Why do you want this job?
2. What can you contribute?
3. Why do you want to work for this company?
4. What do you know about this company?
5. What can we (the new company) offer that your previous company cannot offer?
6. You have not done this sort of job before. How will you cope/succeed?
7. Why should we employ you?
8. How ambitious are you?
9. What are you looking for in a new job?
10. Are you willing to travel?
11. What level of salary are you looking for now?

List of interview questions relating to your current / previous job

1. How much does your last job resemble the one you are applying for?
2. What are the differences?
3. What do you think of the last company you worked for?
4. Why are you leaving now?
5. Explain the organizational structure in your last company and how you fitted into it?
6. How did you get on with your previous manager/supervisor, co workers and subordinates?
7. What did you do on a day to day basis?
8. Did you increase sales or profits in your last job?
9. What problems did you encounter in your last job?

Career related interview questions

1. Why did you choose a career in …?
2. Why are you changing careers?
3. What are your career goals?
4. How long have you been looking for a new job?
5. What would your ideal job be?
6. Are you considering any other positions at the moment?

List of interview questions relating to you

1. How would you describe yourself?
2. How would others describe you?
3. Do you consider yourself successful?
4. What was your greatest success?
5. How did you achieve it?
6. What has been your biggest failure?
7. How could you improve yourself?
8. How do you handle criticism?
9. Do you work well with others? Or are you a loner?
10. Do you need other people around to stimulate you or are you self-motivated?
11. Are you accepted into a team quickly?
12. Can you act on your own initiative?
13. What motivates you?
14. Are you competitive?
15. What do you dislike doing?
16. Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?
17. Can you work under pressure?
18. What interests do you have outside work?
i've been for 2 admin jobs and got both, i didnt have any "questions" as such, but i had 4 mini essay like things. So theyd say a topic like "working with others" and id have to talk for 15mins about a time i was in that situation. :? I think its just the home office that are stupid enough to interview people like that though lol. I was asked how id handle a call if the applicant couldnt speak english, i didnt have a clue what to say lol. :rotfl:
just a tip, position your chair so you are not facing the interviewer(s) dead face on. it gives you the chance to naturally break eye contact (for thinking time) without looking rude or too nervous.

Best of luck :hug:
tangerinedream said:
just a tip, position your chair so you are not facing the interviewer(s) dead face on. it gives you the chance to naturally break eye contact (for thinking time) without looking rude or too nervous.

Best of luck :hug:

ooo thats a good tip!

i went for an interview once, and i am quite close to one of the people interviewing me. I kinda knew i didn't need to impress her, as we had worked together in the past, i had to impress the other person. I kept trying to make eye contact, but she wouldn't look back at me! it was so off putting!!
ooooooooooooooh good luck hun!!!!
any chance of a bargain holiday?? :think: :lol: :lol:

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