Additional paternity leave


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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As of April OH's can now take up to 26 weeks of additional paternity leave instead of the Mother. I was talking to someone at work this week and they scoffed at the new regulations...........saying hardly anyone OH would take it and it was a stupid change.

I just wondered what everyone else thought? Do you think it's a good idea?

My OH earns considerably less than me and if we ever have children, although I'd love to stay at home, for financial reasons it's something we may actually have to consider.
If it benifits certain people then that's all good no prob in my eyes!! Me on the other hand earn less so I'm better off being on it, but for certain situations I think its a good idea :D x
Every family is different. There is nothing wrong with either parent taking the leave. I know plenty of blokes that would have loved the opportunity. You are not any less of a mother for going back to work and they are not any less of a bloke for taking the opportunity to have that time with their kids.
I wouldn't have a problem with that but not sure of o/h's attitude to it. I think him and a baby would drive each other insane :shock:
I agree with that one princess! My fellas already sed he's bringing the baby to me for a nappy change ha ha!!
i think in away its a good idea for them as they get to bond better with there child i actually thought it was discriminating sex mothers getting more time off then men but i suppose in one woman have to give birth and in the olden days it was men that were bringing in the money but if baby was ill after birth then i suppose thm extra weeks would be good for the man as hell be ther to support if woman and bond with baby while in hospital my oh work much his paternity up last year and was told he could of had the 7 weeks off when amy was in hospital ( that came from new manager soon to be old lol ) the manager sed he could of taken it to HR as they mucked him around but hes now deciding to leave. but yeah i think its also crutial for daddys to bond with there baby as well as the mother if you know what i mean. and it lets them see how hared it is for us lol
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Oh wow that's news to me! Don't think OH family would let him do that lol. He works for the family business and they'd flip if he took 26 week off haha
Well asked my fella and he sooo ant intrested but I think a lota other dads wud be so fair play its a good thing! Most mums get bored halfway through mat leave so perfect solution I thinks!! :)
I do think think that it should be an option as I agree - it is kinda discriminating to just give the options to the mother. I wouldnt criticise any father who takes it. Good on them if they do :)
I think it's a great idea. My sil plans to go back to work and bil will stay at home as makes more sense for them financially x

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