You will read lots of success stories about various alternative therapies including acupuncture. Unfortunately I can't honestly say I share the same enthusiasm. We had been trying for a long time so I was in a very desperate place and prepared to try anything that gave me even the slightest bit of hope. I think the most important thing I learned was that it's really important to do your research about any of these things and to have something you want to achieve from it other than getting pregnant. Although that is the ultimate goal, that may or may not happen and may or may not have anything to do with the treatment so smaller goals like relaxation, regulating your cycles or improving AF symptoms are all good things.
It's very easy for practitioners to put the word fertility in there and have people queuing up for a treatment which really does nothing other than cost a lot of money. I'm not saying there aren't any genuine practitioners out there but I don't believe that I personally found one.
I tried fertility reflexology which in my experience was a complete waste of time. I never experienced anything like the levels of deep relaxation that others report and I can't see how it would have ever had a direct effect on helping me get pregnant. Others swear by it though.
I tried acupuncture with 2 practitioners. I only persisted with this for so long as it seems to be the therapy that has the biggest following for improving fertility. The second one was better than the first in terms of providing a more relaxing treatment but as far as the treatment overall I wasn't really seeing any of the positive changed in my cycle that I was promised. The first one in particular seemed very unconcerned about this and really the only reason I think I carried on for so long was because I felt I was benefiting from having a place to vent. I soon realised there are much less expensive places to let of steam!!
Sorry to sound so negative but my experience wasn't great and I really did give the treatments a proper go. I also wish I'd read more posts like this when I was considering these treatments. I'm sure others will be along soon to give a balanced argument!!