Acupuncture - Alternative Method of Inducing Labour


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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My hospital offer acupuncture as an alternative method of inducting labour and I wondered whether anyone has had this done.

I have my induction date booked and would love to hear your experiences if you have used acupuncture for inducing.
Hi Charlie,

How fab that your hospital are offering things like this! I don't think mine has even heard of acupuncture.

I'm now 40+5 days pregnant, and had acupuncture hugely recommended to me, so I gave it a try on Friday. The practitioner told me it was highly effective, and I should even bring my hospital bag with me to the clinic!!!

Anyway, here I am 3 days on, and nothing whatsoever has happened. I even went for a sweep today, and they were unable to do it because my cervix is still very high and nowhere near ready.

So - in my experience - acupuncture did nothing at all. Also, I had been told by friends that whatever happens, it's a lovely, relaxing thing to do. But to be honest, I've rarely felt anything less relaxing. It just didn't do it for me in any way.

I'm also trying reflexology, which can apparently have some effect. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't - but at least it's a lovely way to spend an hour without having someone treat you as a pin cushion!

I don't mean to put you off - I know what it's like to want to try ANYTHING to get things going, and who may work for you!

Thanks for sharing your experience Jo, sorry the acupuncture doesn't seem to have worked.

My cervix is also too high for a sweep, they tried today and couldnt reach it.

Have also read up on Reflexology and I quite fancy giving both a go but would prefer reflexology if im honest.

I have been on this website today and found some local practitioners, have emailed them to see if they include maternity reflexology and if so how much but haven't heard anything back yet.
Oh dear, seems we both had failed sweeps today then!

From what I gather, reflexologists generally won't try and induce labour until you are actually overdue - and even then there is no guarantee (unlike the "guarantee" I was given for acupuncture!!). But if nothing else, I've found it has really helped with my desperately swollen feet. (And so lovely to have a bit of pampering too.)

Good luck with whatever you decide to try!


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