
Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I was asked last night in the chatroom if I could do a list of indoor activities for toddlers to keep them amused now that the cold weather is here - I thought I would make a thread on it so others can add their ideas.
I am going to ask the lovely Mod's if they can Sticky this :)

Bead/Pasta Necklaces
All you need is string, some big beads or dry pasta (macaroni or any 'tubey' style). Simply show little one how to thread the beads onto the string. If you are using pasta, you can get them to paint the pasta different colours so make them look more exciting!
This is also excellent for improving their motor skills :)

Sock Puppets
Get an old sock(light coloured), some felt pens, some stickers and show them how to make a puppet!

Play Housey
Get two dining room chairs (or something simular) and a sheet and make it into a tent. Have your lunch in the "housey" or a little tea party :)

Making Models/Playdough
Lots of fun to see your little ones artist skills!! Have a rolling pin or cookie cutters for them to play with :) And really easy to make the play dough...

2 cups plain flour
2 cups water
1 cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of Tartar
2 tablespoons cooking oil
A few drops of food colouring

Put all the ingredients into a non-stick pan. Cook over a medium heat, stirring all the time until it forms a ball. Allow the dough to cool before giving it to your toddler to play with. Kneading the dough will make it smoother. (It will keep for several weeks in an airtight container in the fridge.)

Finger/Hand/Feet painting
Lots of fun, and LOTS of mess!! Make sure you have old news paper or an old sheet down so nothing gets ruined!

Making a House/Car/Train etc.
If (on the run up to christmas) you receive a delivery that comes in a big box, get some poster paints, glitter, wool, buttons, anything arty and decorate it into a house/car etc :)

Junk Modelling
Same as above really nbut making things on a smaller scale... Think back to your pre-school days making things out of old egg cartons and cereal boxes :D

Map yourselfGet your little one to lie down on paper and draw round them. Then together draw on the eyes, mouth, hair and so on and get little one to point out where everything is :)

Make chocolate crispies or little fairy cakes to decorate (recipe below).

125g softened butter
125g caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
125g / self-raising flour
2 tbsp milk
Preheat the oven to 190C. Place the paper cases in the holes. In a mixing bowl beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. You can use an electric whisk or a wooden spoon.
Add the beaten egg, a little at a time, then beat in the vanilla.
Sift in half of the flour and fold into the mixture. Add the milk and the rest of the flour and fold until well combined.
Spoon into the tin and bake for 10-12 minutes or until risen and golden on top. Allow to cool before removing from the tin.

Play "I-Spy"
Sure I dont have to explain that - brilliant for your little ones to learn all things in the house!

Dancing Fun!
Just stick on a CD/Radio and dance together!!

Disney Fun!
On the Disney Playhouse website, there are loads of things you can print off and do... Colouring in sheets, print and play games - have a looky (I'm sure there are more websites like this - but Arianna is a Disney fan!!) http://www2.disney.co.uk/DisneyChannel/ ... vities.htm

Hope this helps!!!! And remember.... POST YOUR IDEAS!!!! :dance:
We had a big old cardboard box (Green Bean's high chair came in it)
We cut a hole in the front, then a door in the back and painted it - and it's now a tv :D

We get in and pretend to be on telly, we're usually Peppa Pig :roll: :lol:
great list sarah
also sing songs with Actions they love them
i also find getting on the floor and playing at Dylans level he loves
Now its coming up to Christmas we have a list of stuff to do!! We collected some pine cones the other day and are going to paint them for the Christmas tree. Have sorted out old cards from last year and will use them to cut out the pictures (santa, reindeer, presents etc) and then make our own cards for this year. Also going to make some paper chains out of any old coloured paper we have lying around, we usually have loads of bits at the end of colouring/drawing books! Apart from the crafty type stuff, my son also loves baking so will get him involved in making the christmas cake!

Last year we made some play-doh and then a couple of days later used it to make some models of santa, christmas trees, presents etc. Left them out to dry and then used them as table decorations on christmas day...my son was so proud of them!!
Brilliant Sarah! Thanks so much!

Have you tried mixing cornflour with water? You can add food colouring if you want. It makes the weirdest stuff...runny but it sets and snaps then goes runny again. They had some at our local Stay and Play and all the kids loved it!

were going to be making pretty plates for presants just getting somee white plates (cheap) then painting them :D and gonna give them to great grandparents for xmas :D
Sarah&Braydon said:
were going to be making pretty plates for presants just getting somee white plates (cheap) then painting them :D and gonna give them to great grandparents for xmas :D

Oooooh, thats a fab idea!!! :) Gonna pinch that for xmas gifts!
oh yay sarahs using one of my ideas i do feel very excited hehe, means i have actually had a good idea, must make note of how this feels haha
At the moment for alice its stickers. a big sheet of paper and a pack of stickers costing a quid from tescos! nothing fancy, just different shapes (circles, squares etc).

its amazing how taking stickers from one sheet of paper and putting it on another can keep her entertained for so long! :rotfl:
ooo... further on from finger painting - printing with leaves, potato shapes, random kitchen bits and bobs (not sharp for obvious reasons). my mum still has some of my leaf pictures from when i was little - lol

i remembered this when alice was playing with leaves when we where getting in the car earlier :D
With the pasta shapes if you put them in a sealy bag with a few drops of food colouring and give it a good shake you can make them all funky colours. Just let them dry for a few mins after and you're ready to go :D

My boys also love to make a den :D
Isaac loves either washing up at the sink or playing with water at the dinning table in a cheap washing up bowl I bought from the supermarket. We save all our empty shampoo bottles, yogurt pots etc and he plays with them at the sink and they are great for the bath too!
my 2 like to help me clean, sophie loves the washing and ali loves the hoovering and polishing and helping me sort things out, great list btw sarah hun :hug:
chezzabell said:
my 2 like to help me clean, sophie loves the washing and ali loves the hoovering and polishing and helping me sort things out, great list btw sarah hun :hug:

Here here! :)
me and Bray made pizza last nite for the family tea :D
we got the plain bases in tesco (were lazy lol - u could make)
then got tomato sauce for it and put loads of different toppings on it. bray love making it and
was very yummy :D
Cameron used to love getting all the books and Video boxes (would be DVD these days) out and making a track with hills etc.
He would spend hours driving his cars over them
Isaac and the other kids at play centre yesterday were amused for a very long time by lots of shredded paper :D Messy but fun.

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