Active Baby at night


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Does anyone else's baby decide to become more active at night?

At 20 weeks and 3 days baby has been active for a few weeks now and it loves keeping me awake at night so sleep is at a premium at the minute:nap:
Hi jess :wave:

I'm due the same day as u and Pip certainly comes to life more in the evening. I'm struggling to sleep anyways so Pip kicking as im tryin to get to sleep isn't helping!
I have decided it is already taking after its dad as he is a night owl with work.

Its exciting your due the same time:lol:
Yep definately. I barely feel my LO during the day when I'm busy but as soon as I relax for the evening or try to sleep baby starts aerobics. I find it very soothing though because they aren't hard yet and I love to feel it and know he's ok.
Also have a night baby here :) kicking away as I type, has been doing the washing machine for the past hour lol xx

Its something to do with the movement during the day is like rocking them to sleep. Isla only moved during the day if i sat still. i really miss that :( so atnight when they wake up its cos you aren't moving.

OR like my baby they have day and night mixed up! When Isla was tiny she would wake up at 11 and keep awake well in to the early morning. It took 12 weeks before she would "go to bed" at 8.

Emma x
I used to feel him more at night now he seems to prefer waking me up in the morning til about lunch time lol


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