Aches and pains..... What's normal?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I'm a little bit nervous as this is my first ever BFP, I've never been pregnant before (ooh feels weird to say that 😜) I'm only 4 weeks 3 days so still really early and so far have had the AF style cramping, feeling full/tender feeling and before the BFP I had the odd twinge etc.

Today I have had an almost constant ache/stabby pain low down on my left side, I'd say groin area and just above and it sometimes goes to my lower back and hip too.

I know there is a lot going on in there at the moment so could be nothing but I'm equally worried that this isn't normal? I guess I just want to know what's normal and what's not?? X
I had alsorts of aches and pains, especially in the early days. Felt like everything between my belly button and knees hurt sometimes. As long as there is no bleeding you are probably fine. As you say, there is a lot going on in there. Try to relax (I know, it's hard!).
I had similar pains. Try a warm bath and avoid Dr Google. Like the previous advice, no bleeding is a good thing, so unless the pain is severe, try not to worry. X
All sounds perfectly normal to me :) Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I had more aches and cramps in my first pregnancy compared to this one. If you are worried though do not hesitate in getting yourself checked over. I had horrible sharp pains on one side and was convinced I was having an ectopic. I got seen, had a scan and all was okay. Perfectly growing baby in there :D But I'd rather that then ignore it and worry about it constantly.

I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!
I was surprised at first at all the aches and pains and 'stretching' type sensations as nobody had ever mentioned them about their pregnancy. Like you I initially thought that any pains must be a bad thing, but it seems that actually it's totally normal!

I'm trying to relax and rest plenty and not worry about things.
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Hi, congrats on your bfp!

I had the sharp pain on my left side too, doc checked me out she said it was probably wind. I also had a stitch feeling but I think it seemed to happen not long after food. It seems to have calmed down a bit now can't help googling but don't get any specific answers. Go to go with it, which is hard for a control freak like myself. Trying to keep myself busy and looking forward to first scan. Hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy

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Congratulations :)

When I was pregnant with my first I had all sorts of twinges up until about 12 weeks, and was reassured it was quite normal so long as there were no severe cramps or bleeding. I remember a couple of 'pinches' really took my breath away though. I didn't really have any second time around, nor this time really, probably because everything but has already been stretched and moved around a couple of times lol.

Every time though, I've felt really bloated and pre-menstrual, and with mood swings to match!
Thanks girls, it stopped soon after after I wrote that haha but you have put my mind at rest! Just don't know what to expect being pregnant to feel like. I've forgotten I am quite a few times! X
My doctor says cramping is normal, like you're going to start your period, as long as you have no blood and the cramping is not to the point that you have to stop doing what you're doing for an extended period of time. Or if they are constant, like contractions. That is how she put it to me and she is really nice and understanding.
In my fourth week, I had what I understand to be called 'lightning crotch'! Sharp cramps inside your lady bit (sorry, tmi!) and have had cramps throughout, but nothing really bad. Your body has to grow to prepare for the baby.
If you start getting lots more discharge, this is normal too as long as it's not itchy or smelly. I have had yellow stuff the whole way through and all is fine!
Good luck! Xxx
I'm achey today, feel like I've done too many sit ups! X

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