aches and pains in the abdomen/womb area


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi all I'm panicking !! I keeping getting aches and pains, nothing I can't stand or too bad but I do panic! I also have a few pains on my right ovary area side like a shooting pain for a few seconds then it diappears again maybe 2 times a day. Is this something others have experienced?? It is only pain no blood or anything x
Ive been getting aches and pains. Its probably stretching pains hun i wouldnt worry the midwife said to me aches in that area are normal xxx
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Yes me too! Maybe it's an early pregnancy thing, our bodies adjusting? Not painful, more uncomfortable xx im sure its fine tho x
Hi Constantstar! I get more discomfort after I've eaten on an evening, but yesterday morning (I had it last week too) I had the same pain in the right ovary area! I usually get this during my period, so when I got it last week when AF should have been here I wasn't surprised. Nevertheless, I really don't know what it is. My hubby said "it's just your body getting used to it", but the fact that I got it before pregnancy is a little strange. I'm convinced I have pocs and will mention it at my first doc appt on Tuesday!

I'm sure we are fine though! I took another CB digi this morning as I haven't got enough symptoms to believe I'm pg, just very sore boobies. Anyway it is now 'Pregnant 3+' Yaaaay!!

I'll let you know what the doc says about my ovary pains on Tues!


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