I'm 5w4d pregnant and my hcg is doubling nicely but I have absolutley NO symptoms, no mornign sickness, no tiredness, no tender breast, not even any sort of cramps.
This is my 4th pregnancy ( 2 early miscarriages and one good pregnancy ).
The 2nd time I miscarried I had good doubling hcg and no symptoms either. Then at the 6 week scan they told me the baby wasn't growing proplerly, at 8 weeks it stopped growing completely and I miscarried at 10 weeks.
This time they won't give me an early scan
I'm so worried about the lack of symptoms. I know every pregnancy is different and that some women don't get any symptoms but it just feels so much like my 2nd miscarriage..
Any of you had no symptoms at all and it turned out ok??
I'm 5w4d pregnant and my hcg is doubling nicely but I have absolutley NO symptoms, no mornign sickness, no tiredness, no tender breast, not even any sort of cramps.
This is my 4th pregnancy ( 2 early miscarriages and one good pregnancy ).
The 2nd time I miscarried I had good doubling hcg and no symptoms either. Then at the 6 week scan they told me the baby wasn't growing proplerly, at 8 weeks it stopped growing completely and I miscarried at 10 weeks.
This time they won't give me an early scan

I'm so worried about the lack of symptoms. I know every pregnancy is different and that some women don't get any symptoms but it just feels so much like my 2nd miscarriage..
Any of you had no symptoms at all and it turned out ok??