Absolutely gutted :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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My little man had his settling in period at nursery last week and he was absolutely fine...he was meant to start properly today, so I thought :( but Ive just literally found the letter and he was meant to start yesterday :( :(

Im totally gutted, I honestly thought it was today :( they have split the kids oer the week to phase them in so there will still be more new ones day I just feel awful :(

His dad is having a right go at me over text at the moment (as if he doesnt ever make a mistake)

Gutted x
Oh honey :hugs:

It honestly won't matter, Grace missed her first 3 days as we were still on holiday abroad at the time she started - I was gutted but we really could only have a holiday at that time and nursery we absolutely fine with it. They don't actually hav to be there so there's no obligation to send them as such.

I felt awful that she had missed her first few days but she soon settled. Everyone makes mistakes hun xxx
Ive just got back...they didnt say anything and there were 4 others stating today.

He seemed fine and excited which was good...

I however looked like a right mess as Im really hormonal today and was tearful..looked like I was tearful cos it was his first day, I wasnt lol it was because I feel bad lol xx
oh jaxx bless you good its all fine though hey. Ive been a snotty mess all day x

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