Absolutely, definately, without a doubt - COLIC!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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it only really started this lastt week but Dylan cries from about 6 until he goes to sleep at 11/12. i know theres not a great deal i can do to help him :( and sorry to be so negative but how do you cope watching your little babies scream for hour after hour and not being able to help? any tips?
me and th eOH do "shifts" but it doesnt make it easier
The ONLY thing that worked for Isla was Infacol!
She wouldnt take Dentinox or Gripe Water..and when she did they didnt work.

But Infacol is king in this house!

Im sorry your having to put up with it hun, I know how hard it is.
I was going mad from about 3 weeks to 8 weeks old, but shes much improved now. She still has her "crying time" for an hour in the evening, but settles a lot better, no screaming at all!
Aww hunnie I hope you find something to help her!! Its horrible when you feel so helpless! :hug: :hug:
aww sorry to hear that. Can't really advise but wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Josh has had colic since he was a few weeks old so I can sympathise. Its horrible seeing them in so much pain. :hug:

Gripe water for me has been fantastic (the infacol didn't work), it usually settles him quickly but I have to walk around with him for a while to settle him after he takes it as he is so distressed from it all. I'm not sure if you're bottle or breast feeding but I use the Dr Brown bottles which definatley help, his colic episodes aren't so often now.

I think its trial and error for every baby as far as colic medication goes, as one that works for one may not work for another.

Also on the advice of my doctor, if Josh has a particularly bad episode I give him 2.5ml of calpol which helps.
if im honest hun.. nothing really worked for us and we tried everything except colief.. its so hard but ollie is proof that when you get to around 12 weeks it seems to just go! Sounds awful but i was just waiting for that 12 week point and OMG its bliss!!!!

Hang in there..

Claire x
My liitle girl was/is the same.
I had that constant crying for days once, and it is exhausting.

I found colief brilliant, and Emma has improved in leaps. Not sured but the difference is amazing! Colief is £10 over the counter at pharmacy, but if your G.P writes a script it is free.
I combo feed,as my one was also hungry. So if you buy formula - buy the easy digest aptamil. I bought it at tesco.

Also bicycle motion of the legs, and rubbing tummy in clockwise direction.

What i now do is feed half with colief, bath baby, and then feed remainder.

Good luck, if you need more advice i will try help as much as possible.
My sister had this bad, the only thing that would settle her was being taken out in the car for a drive :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

You have my sympathy, Georgia also had colic. We tried Infacol and it did absolutely nothing for her. Baby massage worked a little bit. As did making sure we burped her lots during her feeds and keeping her upright after a feed for a good 20 mins or so.

Other than that it was motion, rocking her or putting her in a swing. Managed to borrow one off a friend and it helped to soothe her. She gradually improved week upon week, by 7 weeks old the worst was over. She still had bouts but nothing like the first few weeks.

It's horrible for all concerned but they do grow out of it, some sooner than others.
aww you poor thing :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I wouldnt go back to them days if you paid me. Emily got it quite late, but it still felt like it went on for forever.
People find different things work for different children for me, Colief work or atleast made it 'alittle' better. BUT it dosent work at all, untill you have tried it EVERYDAY (put it in every bottle) for 5-7 days.... Its bloody expensive to. (£10 for about 3mls lmao) but IT DID WORK FOR ME... and tbh, you cant put a price on a painless child and a quiet evening.

The good news is that in MOST cases colic disapears in 3-5 months. (emily was more on the 4 month mark before it went) So if your lucky, you may only have it for a few weeks.

I really really understand how hard it is. There were many MANY occasions where i had to leave emily in her cot, and just go stand outside... even have a little cry myself. (emily done it day and night somdays, and i had a 12 month old to entertain ect... gosh it was so so so hard.)
But please remeber it will pass. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

edit - also - a dummy also seemed to help.

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