Absolute agony!!!! Aghrrrr!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I sleep on my left side at night as it's comfy but as of late
Its become so painful I'm in tears.
Imagine like pulling a muscle from ur rib all the way down to ur mid thigh.
You can't move n the muscle is spasming n getting tight. No matter howvmuch u try
To turn u can't cos it's extreme pain.
And no matter which side u sleep it stays the same.

I have this everynight!! anyone else having this prob.
I wnt A&E n they said it was ligament pains where bby is growing.

Try sleeping propped up on pillows, or lie with a pillow inbetween your legs, and one ( a feather pillow if you can) under your bump. For some reason this helps get rid of pressure etc

otherwise I think it's something you have to put up with until your ligaments have settled.c
I brought two maternity pillows one for £27 from mothercare n the dreamgenie n I feel like a puffed duck the amour of pillows I use n nothing helps.
I could b sitting up I get this pain it's annoying

*sorry for typing errors my silly iphone
I have a sort of similar pain, last night my knees to my bump had major cramp and pains, i could not get comfy and really needed a wee so i struggled to get down stairs and that but within five minutes im ok, i also get really really horrible tight pains in m hips, bum and top of my legs when im laying down if i need to wee... does standing up or going for a pee then back to bed help you at all? X
I think it's all just pregnancy stuff that we are stuck with.
I have the urge to move my legs all the time... Really annoying!!

Get your OH to give you a bit of a massage before you got to sleep, or take a warm bath. That shoul loosen your muscles/ligaments for bed?

I know, tell me about it. The amount of errors I have to correct when writing on this site on my iPhone is unbelievable. Plus it always want to create a new paragraph!! Grrrr x
The pain I get in the butt goes after I pee but the other pain stays put
Hurts more when he moves. Like he hit a nerve.

I have to wait til 2morrow for a rub down as I'm not in London til 2morrow
Hope it eases, I find pillows help , havn't needed them yet this time, maybee your having a real growth spurt and it will settle when you slow down in growth X

Shootstar - I get the restless leg syndrome too! nightmare

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