abnormal bleeding


Active Member
Nov 16, 2006
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I thought i was pg about 2 wks ago. But since then I have had an abnormal bleed for 3 days. It was dark red with clots for 1 day then went brown for the following 2 days.

I have Stopped bledding for 1 wk now, but yesterday and today I keep getting pink discharge.

I have tested and all negative.

I have bad heartburn and also have a water infection well thats what the doctor thinks it is. Im getting alot of lower pain just above the pubic region which feels like a sharpe pinching feeling. Which comes and goes.

any ideas.

could your doc send you for a blood test maybe?
good luck
Following up with this. I was admitted to hospital for 2 days as I was having really bad chest pain, and the doctors though I had a blood clot on my lung. As Ive recently been on a long hall flight. But it turned out to be really bad heart burn mixed with being sick and burping.

I didnt mension to the doc that I thought I was pg. I had several chest xrays.
I did tell them when my last af was. Does any one know if this will effect the baby if I am pg.
Im still geting light cramping and im not due for af again for 2wks and Im having a thick pink discharge (sorry)!

Im going to go to the doc on monday to get a blood test done.

With my first baby I didnt even know I was pg until 6wks gone I had no symptons at all. Just no af.

My daughter is now 18 months old.

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