

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Some people just don't seem to get it and are more interested in their own excitement and pleasure rather than thinking about the parents first. It's not like your MIL hasn't been through this herself, so why can't she just let you enjoy the experience yourself?

Good luck for tonight :hug:
Can you not tell her that you have gone into labour and phone once you have had it. I imagine we'll be doing that with mine because I know that she wont stop phoning otherwise (she has a serious phonecall addiction).
My in laws waited 18 hrs or something ridiculous just for me and jonah to be taken to special care and not be allowed visitors :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Guess they might wait at home this time :D

My plan is not to tell anyone til after its out anyway.
i'm in a similar situation. I want just me and my OH there but my mum, dad, sister and MIL want to be there.

We plan on not phoning them till after (they all live about an hour away from us so gives us some time!!) but i don't know what to do if i get a date to be induced!!

It really p*ssed me off cause my mum said 'if we are all there we can take it in turns to help you and your OH does not have to stay with you!' but my OH wants to stay in the room the whole time. He is not giving up his space in the room.

This and the fact they all plan on staying in a local hotel for the first week to be on hand has really stressed me out throughout this pregnancy. They think they are helping. I've made hints but nothing is working :(

Good luck with your situation, its so difficult to know what to do :hug: :hug:
i wouldnt even mention it..

if she thinks she can come etc let ehr think that.. she cant possibly find out untill you or hubby phone her.. and just say sorry we were to busy to ring.. thats what we will be doing :)
I know that if we told my MIL that I had gone into labour she'd ring and ring and ring and ring. Just this weekend we made a very last minute decision to go up country to visit family and we had 15 phone calls in the space of an hour or so to organise us going to her house for dinner! God only knows what she'd be like if she knows the baby is on its way.

...personally I'd rather have nothing to do with her whatsoever! (ever!)
Good luck. It's going to be a difficult thing for you to do, but at least you have Marks support.

Try not to worry about it too much and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

I've told Derek that we call my parents when I go into labour, and everyone else will get a call when baby arrives. xxx
Really sorry to hear you guys have so many probs with your in-laws :shock: I feel really lucky that I get on well with mine. It'll be first grandchild for my parents, but they live in Dublin, so won't be on hand. We'll be phoning them when I go into labour / waters break etc. My mum is a (retired) midwife, so she'll be really calm about everything. They plan on coming over for a couple of days once the baby is born, and then we plan on having my mum come back to stay for a few weeks in January when hubby goes back to work.

As for my in-laws, it'll be their 5th grandchild - we'll also be letting them know as soon as labour starts, and I guess they'll come visit a day or 2 after the baby arrives. They live within an hours drive, so not too bad.

The only people who will be at the hospital, barring anything going wrong / me having to stay in / etc will be me and hubby. No-one else!
Well for me it's my mother.... She wants to be there this time because she wasn't last time... but in Spain they have only just started allowing husbands into the delivery rooms so I think asking for another person in there might be pushing it... my OH has already put his foot down and said she can't come in.

I don't have the luxury of not telling her I am in labour because we need to call them to come get DD when I am in labour. Plus she will be there really quickly because DD wants to see the baby straight away (well as soon as she can)...

I think some things just have to be accepted. As for my IL's I don't know if or when they will show up... or if they will wait until we go home, or how they plan it really.... They are self employed and often have clients to fetch and ferry places..

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