Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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a) SO determined that if you have one child and are having trouble conceiving number two that you do not appreciate the child that you have? I get this all the time...
"you have a lovely daughter."

I KNOW I have a lovely daughter. Is she not loved? I love her all the more for the fact that she is so far the only one...but that doesn't stop me wanting another or indeed being sad because we can't seem to get pregnant this time!!!!

b) SO into telling you that "if you stop thinking about it it will happen" - I even got this from the nurse the other day. She's a lovely person but really!

Sorry rant over. :oops:

I get the "if you stop thinking about it it will happen" speech alot, but how are you meant to not think about it! I also get the "at least you know you can get pregnant" after I had an early M/C :wall:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm certain people only mean well when they say what they do. It's not easy for us to hear it, though, is it?
Agree with Emeraldroses, that people probably think they are saying the right thing, but dont know how much it actually hurts - one of the reasons I have told no one we are trying for a baby, if they dont know they cant say anything!

I also agree that how can you stop thinking about it, Im in my first month ttc, and am already very anxious by it all (am hoping it gets better month after month, but somehow I doubt it).

Keep smiling, and gritting those teeth :wink:
A&J said:
I get the "if you stop thinking about it it will happen" speech alot, but how are you meant to not think about it! I also get the "at least you know you can get pregnant" after I had an early M/C :wall:

Everyone tells me that. I have miscarried 6 months ago and I am still not pregnant :wall: I haven't had AF since and was diagnosed with PCOS. I think PCOS caused my m/c.. :cry:
people say that to me to, you are lucky to have the four you have got. or why do you want another or wait a while, ect the list goes on. i do feel lucky i have the four but i just want 1 more
I hear the same things. Makes me sometimes regret sharing any of my feelings or "goings on" with family and friends. I know they mean well but it does not help. This month I am not gonna share anything about my cycle with anyone but you board girls. Seems like we are the only empathetic bunch out there. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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