I know what you mean and they somehow can mafgically cover up their bumps if they want to, like Ashlee simpson didnt look AT ALL pregnant to me, and then she announces she is, and the next day shes got a bump !!
And ( whilst were at it lol ) they only seem to gain pure bumpage, never get the big fat ankles n arse to go with !!!
Was in town shoppin with Oh the other day, and this lady ( who i protest must have been tiny to start with) had a bump that was just like she had a bowling ball stuck up her top, perfectly round and not an ounce of fat anywhere on her !!
Oh looked at me gone out n said whats wrong with her, i said shes pregnant you donut, he said your not gunna get like that are ya !!!
Looked scared to death lol i said yeah course all women get that big thinking he'd never seen a heavily pregnant lady before, n he said, no i mean like is it ALL going to fall to the front one day ?!?!