A quick hello from me.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Well what a few weeks I've had, just thought I'd say a quick hello and update you.

Was induced on 21st April due to early onset pre eclampsia but after 12 hours in labour I was only 4cm dilated and they felt it was too risky to go on any longer so I was rushed in for an emergency c section. I have never been so terrified in my life!! For some reason my body went into a kind of shock and I couldn't stop shivering and shaking through the whole procedure....it didn't hurt or anything, although it did feel strange to feel them rummaging around inside me and it did make me sick! But the shakes I had were the worst thing and it was obviously a sign that things weren't right as when I came out my temp was raised to 39.7 which they were quite concerned about - so I was put straight onto IV antibiotics. Baby Asher Anthony Kaosi Okonya was born at 16.04pm on Good Friday, the 22nd April - which is also my mum's and nephew's birthday so it's becoming quite a family tradition! He weighed 8lb 9lb.

Since then it's all been a blur really - I developed a serious wound infection and was rushed back into hospital less than 2 days after being discharged. Basically my whole tummy behind the wound has become infected and has abcesses in it - was in hospital for 8 days on IV antibiotics and finally got home a week ago but have district nurses visiting daily to clean and dress my wound. I'm slowly getting better but there is still quite alot of infection there which they say will take weeks to clear. I also lost alot of blood during the op and am now anaemic - hate those iron pills with a passion!! All the stress and illness has meant I have lost almost 2 and a half stone in 3 weeks!! That's all my pregnancy weight and more! I totally lost my appetite while in hospital and am slowly getting it back now but often it's a choice between sleep and food and I choose sleep!!

Baby Asher has been fine throughtout, although I must admit I have found it so hard to care for him while I have been so unwell myself. Trying to breastfeed a baby who won't latch on and kicks and screams at you, all the while hooked up to IV antibiotics and only able to move one arm is no fun at all!! Needless to say breastfeeding became just too hard for me to continue, it was just too stressful for me and I was crying at every feed because I found it so hard. Asher has been really unsettled and just cried and cried and I found it so hard that I cried everyday! It really isn't easy looking after a newborn - especially after a c section and then a serious infection!! I have been worried that I've developed PND but think I am ok now things have settled down a bit....but I must say that I never got that euphoria after birth or feelings of being complete.....I just felt totally traumatised and in pain and then too ill from the infection!! Things are improving now though, am feeding Asher a bit more and he seems more settled and cries less. He still only sleeps for 3 hours at a time though so I'm shattered! But I'm hoping we've turned a corner and am slowly getting to grips with life with a newborn....i love him to bits and am so thankful that it's been me that's been ill and not him....and am looking forward to things continuing to improve for both of us!

Have missed so much - congrats all the April mummies I missed and good luck to the rest of you May mummies!! xxx
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Oh hun... sounds like youve had a right time of it!! Annoys me to think of such a lovey good natured person like you having to go through all that!

Weve missed you around here and its fab to hear things are finally looking up for you, Asher is very lucky to have such a strong mummy!! xxx
Aw Amanda you have had a rough time. I can relate to the pre eclampsia. I had it myself and my girl was born on Thursday. I can also relate to the c section. I couldn't stop shiverring. Probs not a extreme as you did. You've done so well to get through all of that. Let's hope it's plane sailing from now on for you. You really deserve it xxx
Aww Hun you really have been having a tough time of it! Massive :hug: and everything crossed that you are on the mend and can really start to enjoy your wee man xx
I was thinking of you today and how I haven't seen you online.
That's good that things are improving for you. It sounds like things have been hard for you though. I hope things keep improving for you now though.
Miss you on the forum xxx
Its good to see you here hun! Have missed you! Hoping you fully recover very soon!!!!

Oh Amanda it sounds like you've been through the mill a bit. Fingers crossed you're now on the road to recovery.

It's nice to see you back on here, take care Hun.
Aww Hun u poor thing at least u and babba r safe and well but what a long journey for u both xx
ive missed you it hasnt been the same :( so happy you are on the mend though and :hugs: for you having such a bad time with the csection then the infection xxxxxxxx your little man has a fab mummy :)
Hey Amanda, glad to hear you are feeling better. Take each hour/day a it comes and be positive, the mind is a wonderful tool! Take care,

Rose x
Sorry to hear how rough it's been for you. Hopefully you're on the mend now and can start to enjoy being a mummy to your lovely baby boy! x
Really nice to hear from u Amanda, u have been missed! Really glad your feeling better and things are improving, onwards and upwards... Take care xxxx
Good to hear from you and really pleased that you're on the mend. xx
take care amanda things will improve soon- XXX
Glad to hear you're home & on the mend. Don't beat yourself up about not breastfeeding either - you tried & it wasn't going to work, so you did what worked best for you both. I think it's not always easy to bind with your baby straight away after a difficult birth & complications & I would say baby blues are common after giving birth too. Take time now to mend 100% & enjoy your beautiful boy x

Sunnyb xxx
Oh jeepers Amanda, it sounds like you've been through a complete nightmare. And to top it off, getting the infection behind your wound...flip me!

I think you've been extremely brave and strong to even share your experience let alone go through it. I'm glad to hear that things have been settling down a bit since then for you, and I hope they continue to do so.

Don't even beat yourself up about the breastfeeding at all. You tried it, it wasn't working with what you'd been through, end off. Sounds like your wee bubba is doing the norm and hopefully as things continue to settle, he'll :nap: more for ya.

Sending :hugs:your way x
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Gosh, what a harrowing experience, I really hope you have turned a corner and are starting to feel better. Well done for being so strong! xx
Hi, nice to hear from you.
Sorry to hear what you have been through and i hope it keeps on getting better and better for you. xxx
Thanks all - I must say those first 3 weeks were the worst of my life....which is very sad as having your child should be remembered as the happiest time of your life.....but I am happy I've got through it and have shown myself how strong I can be (or had to be!). I am focusing on the future now - have a whole lifetime ahead of me with my cheeky boy so lots of happy memories to be made to outweigh these initial bad ones xxx

Can't upload pics from my laptop on here for some reason so can't show you the little fella :-(

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