A question


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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I was thinking of giving my baby some baby rice this week as he turns 4 months and is clearly hungry. However I wanted to do blw at 6 months. Can I start on purees now for a couple months then stop totally and start only blw? Thanks xx
Not sure if you could stop the purees etc completely to go onto blw as baby might have got used to having quite a bit of food by then and if he doesn't manage to eat a lot straight away when doing blw he could be hungry. I started her on purees and now do a mix of purees/mashes and finger foods and it works for us. Never tried going to purely blw though.
We did just BLW from 6 months it was AMAZING and the right thing for LO although a hard decision to make initially, hte best thing we ever did. So my advice would be to steer clear of rice and purees, offer more milk and wait it out
Thanks. So, why is blw so amazing? I am thinking that if I have a hungry baby he won't eat enough in blw to satisfy him? You can't start blw before 6 months at all? X
I weaned Caitlin onto porridge at 5 1/2 months with a veggie puree in the evenings. At 6 months I offered fingers foods etc and she took to them fine. She has porridge for breakfast or yoghurt brekkie, I do preloaded spoons and she feeds herself (still blw) then she has toast after. Dinner time she has what we are having and she does it herself but then after, I offer a puree incase she still hungry and she sometimes eats it all depending on how much she ate. So a mixture of BLW. She hasn't turned her nose up at anything BLW, she eaten everything from curry and rice to pancakes and fish lol. Her favourite is garlic bread!
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i started tw quite early and regret it tbh. i may be an exception to the rule but i have a very fussy 1 year old. i would wait till 6 months and do blw next time. entirely your decision but i deffo reccomend waiting a bit longer for baby rice, and just give more milk! or waiting the whole 6months for BLW. i think its hards for babies to adapt from purees and go to blw so once you start with tw your more or less stuck with it apart from finger foods. sorry if i have babbled lol.
Thanks. So, why is blw so amazing? I am thinking that if I have a hungry baby he won't eat enough in blw to satisfy him? You can't start blw before 6 months at all? X

it's amazing because they learn to feed themselves and develop independence, they enjoy tastes and textures on their own terms, can choose what they want, develop motor skills - hand to mouth co-ord, pincer grip, are in control of their meal times and they never become a battle, you never have to worry about introducing 'lumps' they begin mealtimes as a social experience, they are less likely to be put off trying new foods. Meal times are so fun and messy!!

Owen was 10 lb 4oz and birth and continues to be on the 95th centile. It did take him a good few weeks to actually chew and work out how to eat the food but he was a pretty hungry baby we just gave more milk. He fed through the night every 3 hours til 6 months plus, we had no link with sleep and BLW. Baby rice is a pretty empty starch that just fills up the tum but doesn't have a great deal of nutritional value.

We started BLW just a week before 6 months, signs of readiness are ability to sit up and ability to put hand to mouth with an object.

I do know it's not for all babies and many of my mummy friends wanted to see puree going into their babies tums cos it makes them feel happier. for me it would not make me happy to put a spoon to O's mouth and give him food he couldn't communicate that he didn't want...hope that makes sense! It's a very personal thing. :flower:

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