A never ending pregnancy?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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does any body else feel like their pregnancy will never actually end?

As much as i cannot wait to meet our baby girl i cannot exactly say i have enjoyed this pregnancy very much... i know that sounds awful but being pregnant is much harder than i realised! I wouldn't change it for the whole entire world as every second of waiting will be worth it when we see her... i just don't feel like that day will ever come!

Booked in for a section on 24th if i dont go into labour before so i know that i have no longer than 11 days to wait... i'm almost certain nothing will happen before as im having no signs of getting at all close to labour starting.

Sorry about the moan... just thought there may be a few of you feeling the same way?

Aww bless ya I'm not feeling that way yet, probably because I still have a fair bit to organise. My midwife did warn me though that once you reach the last month time will drag.... hopefully things will start moving for you very soon x x
thanks... i feel silly moaning now as i know i only have 11 days to go and there are people who have a hell of a lot longer to wait but it really does seem like forever!

Hope all is well with your pregnancy :)

I'm totally with you on this Hayley! I'm 3 days behind you, and i'm totally fed up! Unfortunately, if my LO doesn't arrive on her due date, then i just have to wait it out, i'm not getting a c-section :( I have a few vague signs, i get lots of period type cramping but they aren't progressing, and my LO's head is so low in pelvis my midwife couldn't feel it at all. I've also had a dodgy tummy on and off, and spent most of my day in tears over something or other, but i think its just cos i'm totally fed up now. I WANT HER OUT!!!!!
im fed up to, this pregnancy has really took it out of me this time x
I'm definitely feeling like this!! Had so many signs and lost plug, very strong BH, and bad back ache, but baba has still stayed in there! Got induction booked for tomoro and as on friday I was 3cm dilated and can be stretched 4-5 the midwife said they will probably pop my waters at hospital tomoro. So I don't have long to wait now :) xx
aww scottishlassie good luck! hope everything goes well with your induction and birth! how exciting... i'm sure everybody on pf wishes you well. Let us know about the arrival of lo!

nik106... i have had some simular things happening but i didnt think they were signs as i have been having bad period like pains on and off for about the last month and i keep getting an upset tummy :( but thought it was probably just down to me eating the wrong foods. Nothing seems to progress so i just put the pains down to me being so bloody huge! Im not sure if i have lost plug as tbh i dont really know what it looks like but i did have a loss of some sort of snotty looking mucus the other day (so sorry waaay tmi!) but i just put it down to discharge... could this have been it?

Wishing for all of us to progress soon!

Hayley, i didn't think they were signs but i discussed them with my midwife and she seems to think they are. Doesn't mean she's right of course. To me that sounds like your mucus plug, so fingers crossed for you
i think its harder because ive been huge from the beginning ive had everyone telling me that i will never ever last til my due date and now its 10 days away i could really go back and punch those people straight in the face lol!


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