A little worried.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Maybe TMI, abit embarrassing but anyway...

Last night, all of a sudden, I was in complete agony. I was laid in bed and got this horrific pain all down my left side, it was shooting up my back and down my leg but the main pain was between the left side of my groin area upto my ribs. It was strange, I felt like I needed to push a big fart out, but I've had trapped wind before and it wasn't really like that. Anyway, everytime I moved or breathed heavily it hurt even more. Still feeling like I needed to fart, I went and sat on the toilet, I did do a few little trumps but if I tried to push it hurt so bad, then I had the runs, I was shaking and felt faint and also felt really sick. After that, still in agony, I went back to bed and tried to get comfy. I did end up falling asleep and woke up pain free. I told my mum this morning and the first thing she said was, do you think it could of been a miscarriage?, the thought did cross my mind last night. There is no blood or anything. If it was just a bad case of the runs or wind then how some it didnt go away after I'd been to the toilet? I heard babies heartbeat yesterday so surely s/he is healthy?

I guess I should try not to worry because the pain has gone now but it was really horrific. And the pain was on my left side, the midwife found the baby's heartbeat on the left.
I had a similar thing the other day and it turned out to be really bad trapped wind!!! I felt like I was going to explode...!
You maybe let the rest of the wind out when yopu were sleeping, the baby might have been blocking it last night by the way it was lying?

If you can still hear the heartbeat, the pain has gone and there is no blood it's unlikely its a miscarriage, however if you are still worried give your MW a call.
Thank's for your reply, I feel a little silly really, it is probably obvious to everybody it was trapped wind. But it's hard not to worry isn't it? Especially when my mum said that to me. I know trapped wind is common during pregnancy and I have had it quite abit, but never like that. I don't have a doppler to check on baby today, I was at the midwife yesterday and everything went fine. I'm just a worrier.
I was the same hun, it is worrying, all you want is for the baby to be ok, which I'm sure it is. It is really sore thouh isn't it? :hug:
I tend to worry at everything also, but i'm sure when you put it all down and get other peoples responses it always puts your mind at ease and its reassuring to hear.
Try not to worry, from experiance the trapped wind kills.....

Try not to worry too much, it sounds like a bit of an upset tummy to me! I've had the most horrific pains when I've had things like that, and being pg only makes it worse! It may be worth having it checked out if it happens again although I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Hope you feel better soon.
It sounds like a tummy bug to me especially if you had diohrea, I wouldnt worry about it unless you start bleeding which you havent done. Chances are its defo not a mc.
really does sound like trapped wind hun. It can have you doubled up in agony, and with the upset tummy too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You wouldn't believe how many people I see rush themselves to the hospital thinking they are having a heart attack only to find out it is gas. Sometimes they are embarrassed and sometimes they are angry because they think we are just brushing them off! It can feel like it is killing you, though, so don't feel stupid. I was on the phone with my mother the other day and had it, but it was shooting up my left side into my neck and it made me cry out and scare my mother half to death!
every little pain tends to worry me, and even more so when im spending all day feeling rough, I hope your feeling much better now x

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