A little worried about my scan on friday :(

Hun polycystic can be overcome - honest. I had loads on mine, and yes I did need surgery but it was worth it. Knowledge is power and it will help you move forward with ttc x
I've had cysts for years so it certainly doesn't mean you can't have babies (I've still got 4 according to my scan yesterday). They can work wonders these days and will do everything they need to to help you conceive. Good luck hunny xxxxxxxxxxx
I know its treatable, and the nurse said it IS the easiest to treat. She is happy with OH swimmers, joking he's 6x the average!

My folicles she saw were measuring 10mm when she need to be around 20mm to 'pop' and ovulate, and suggested i may not be ovulating every month. Im back in on Wed morning for CD13/14 scan to measure them again. If we dont fall pregnant this month she's said ill most possibly be in on my 3rd Clomid cycle to have my tubes checked.

Im lucky the area i live has such a good ACU, they seem to actually care about me, and want to see us asap rather than making us wait.

I just didnt want to hear the word 'polycystic' :( but after 21 months of TTC and not a single hint of a BFP it does answer a few things!

Aw c'mon Chaz :hug:

I kow it's frustrating to have something wrong but it's not bad news - it's just confirming what you already thought in that you have an issue that needs to be addressed before you can conceive.

It's good that it all coming out into the open so that it can be tackled and you're lucky to have a great team of professionals willing to help you :)

You are getting closer and closer to your baby every time they figure something out xx
Thanks Louise, its just hard to digest after 21 months of TTC, i have no idea how you girls have managed some of the news you have had!

Im gonna ask a few more questions when im in on Wed xxx
Not knowing doesn't change the fact we have fertility issues, it just means that we have no opportunity to overcome them :)

I hope that the follicles have grown a lot for Wednesday - make sure you are eating a hell of a lot of protein because that is what the follicles are made of.
Well to me knowledge is power and now you know what's happening you can take back control. I was unfortunate to have a cyst burst (it's very rare by the way) and the obstetrician came to see me, he said that if we cut off our arm we can start to deal with it straight away in our heads and control the situation. When things happen inside of us the fear and anxiety of not knowing makes everything 10 times worse. Now you know you can start showing your ovaries who's boss :).

Diet is very important with PCOS even if you aren't overweight, there's loads of sites that can offer diet advice....


But it might be worth talking to your gp and asking if a nutritionist can help. Exercise is important too for insulin resistance. There's a lot of support and info out there.

Go get em tiger xxxxxxxxxxx
I was just looking into diet etc for PCOS..... for the last week i have just eaten crap :( but im not overweight in the slightest, im 5,8" height and weigh a healthy 11st :)

I can see that knowledge is power and that i can now take control, i just had to let things sink in and get my head around things.

Im gonna kick my ovaries arse!!!!!

Oh Chaz as the others say knowledge is actually better as now you know the can treat it. It is upsetting that you find simething like that out but you are moving forward. HUGE benefit too that you are lucky enough to have a unit that are not making you wait around for ages! FX for Wednesday and I would maybe note down all your questions as from experience when Im ever in the surgery I completely forget all I wanted to ask!!
sorry the scn didnt go well but at least you know whats going on now and as the others say it can be treated. Good luck for wednesday. xxx
Oh no sorry Chaz! :hugs:

Like the others say it can be treated, are you on Clomid this cycle?

Good luck on Wed hun, hope u get some comfort in knowing what u are dealing with - as the others say knowledge really is power with these things....doesnt always make it easy though i know :( xx
Hey Chaz sorry about your news but at least you know what's goin on. Its awful finding out after a long time isn't it - I was the same. Have a look on amazon there are loads of books that help you with diet etc and understanding what is going on. The best thing I did was lose weight (sounds like you don't need to though) and now I weigh 10 stone (so BMI is about 22) and stick to a low GI diet......with me it seemed to explain loads of things I had wrong with me like randomly gaining weight or having spots, but didn't know why. I hope now that you know you can find some more answers. The good news is you are already well on your way with treatment xxxxx
Hi Chaz, just catching up with your posts, I'm so sorry to hear your news.

Tbh I've also been trying for 21 months and have had no sign of a bfp either. It's soul-destroying but like the girls say at least now you're on a path and can get treatment. It's great you have a good ACU aswell. You've got help and support around you. Hope you're feeling positive today and remember we're here for you xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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