A little wager................


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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So hubby and I have a little bet on what the sex of the baby is gonna be and whoever gets it wrong pays for dinner that night.

So I think its a boy just got a feeling and I may have a slight adavantage as been told i will have three blue bundles by a psychic and hubby thinks its a girl. To be honest neither of us are fussed boy or girl but I know it would mean a lot to him to be able to use the name that he picked for a little girl so I perhaps better start saving my pennies to pay for dinner lol

Seems like a silly bet to have as its gonna be one or the other. Think we may stay team yellow on here too as when I said about putting it on here he said so we not telling anyone but your gonna plaster it on a forum lol he may come round haha

Roll on 18th May xx
hehe I know how you feel hun I had a feeling I was having another boy I found out today he is in fact a boy. MY mum and partners mum thought girl but hey ho I was like sods law I will be having another boy as I wanted a girl with my first and got boy. But I love my son to bits and wouldn't change him for the world so now I am going to be outnumbered. So you got any tips on dealing with two little boys x
hehe I know how you feel hun I had a feeling I was having another boy I found out today he is in fact a boy. MY mum and partners mum thought girl but hey ho I was like sods law I will be having another boy as I wanted a girl with my first and got boy. But I love my son to bits and wouldn't change him for the world so now I am going to be outnumbered. So you got any tips on dealing with two little boys x

Awww how lovely two little cheeky monkeys running about :)

As this is our first minion I can only give you tips on how to deal with two male guinea pigs if that is any good lol :p xx
lol thats my fault for misreading your post I thought you had two boys already x My little sister has five ginny pigs x lol x
lol thats my fault for misreading your post I thought you had two boys already x My little sister has five ginny pigs x lol x

Thats alright I probably wrote it wrong with the bit about the psychic lol

Bet it is noisy at your sisters with 5 of the little beggars - We have four guinea pigs in total 3 boys and a right little madam of a female. Theres an old boy of just over 6 with a young whipper snapper of a year and a half and then there is the "happily" married couple with the female as the boss haha xx
Yeah she loves them all boys, just can't stand the bit where she sits and picks the crap out of their willies lol so they don't get infected... erwww

They are cute to watch but I don't see much point in them really but then again hers are house pigs all in runs her bedroom is just pig land haha x
Me and hubby had the same bet! Whoever was wrong paid for dinner at our fave restaurant...... Dinner was on me that night lol x

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everyone apart from me and OH thought we were having a girl we thought a boy it turned into a big bet. the bet was if we were right everyone butts out on names and stuff we decide for baby even though thats how it should be. when it came to finding out not only was it my partners birthday that we got a free scan plus we got the go ahead from the court to move cuz of daughters dad out of stoke then also to find out we were right and it was a boy icing on the cake lol x x x
I have this bet going on too! OH thinks its a boy (and is wishing so hard for an arsenal supporting boy) whereas I want it to be a girl just to prove him wrong. I love it when hes wrong. His whole family think it will be a boy since hes from a family of all boys yet everyone from my family had a girl as firstborn. I've had two dreams about having boys but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win! xxx

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