a little bit worried, update


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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hi, I havent really been on here much in the last few weeks, been really tired, sick and ill. anyhow I noticed swelling on my feet the other night, so when i was at work i popped along to the pharmacy and had my blood pressure done, it was high so she advised me to go to see the doctor. havnt got a m/w appointment till im 34 weeks so i popped along and saw the nurse, had high blood pressure, went back later and my blood pressues had dropped but my urine had protein in it, she said she will let the midwifes know, anyway got a call today and have to go see them at the hospital 2morrow, my feet are still swollen.

On another note, my wrist is still hurting (been in constant pain with it since 28 weeks) but im having physio on it on monday :cheer:
and the doctor has put me on iron tablets as im anemic, and they give me the runs
been hospital had blood and urine tests done, my urine has more protein in it now than it did the other day so on monday i gotta do a 24 hour urine collection and hand in to a midwife at my local clinic tuesday, gotta pop back to hospital 2morrow for another blood pressure check, and ive gotta rest and im not allowed to go to work monday nite :cheer: hread my baby and its fine, its just my poor body as i got puffy fingers aswell now :doh:
aww hun, I hope everything is ok tomorrow :hug: :hug:
hope everything goes ok at the hospital tomorrow will be thinking of you. :hug: :hug:

Iron tablets usually have the opposite effect on people :eek:
emmie said:
Iron tablets usually have the opposite effect on people :eek:

yeah i know lol, my mum said that iron tablets give her the runs too, so i think that ones in my genes lol.
emx279 said:
emmie said:
Iron tablets usually have the opposite effect on people :eek:

yeah i know lol, my mum said that iron tablets give her the runs too, so i think that ones in my genes lol.

hmmmm, i thought they were meant to bung you up as well! I'm on them too, as well as have been on antibiotics for a week.... maybe its the iron after all thats making me a bit..er..."loose"....only time will tell I guess!
i hope everything settles down hun :hug: :hug:
and do as your told REST REST REST :hug: :hug:

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