A husbands view


Aug 6, 2008
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Following on from this: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=86958

We lost the baby that night. To say it was heart wrenching to watch your loved one struggling to hold onto a baby and to be powerless to help is an understatement.

I have never been so sad. Not for the baby-I never knew it-but for my OH. She was THE happiest I have ever seen her in the 11 1/2 weeks she was pregnant. She had a determination that I had never witnessed. She "Bloomed" in the truest sense of the word.

Reading through here has been a great help. I just wish there were more resources for Dad's when it comes to online forums etc. You ladies have it sown up!! :D

Anyway, just felt I had to put into words how I was feeling. Pretty low and pretty fed up, and raring to get started again.

And most importantly-give your OH a hug. He may feel like one but may be too macho to ask for it!

Ah im so sorry to hear of ur loss, i dont know what else to say but wanted to send you both some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry for your loss :hug:
I have had 2 miscarriages this year and my husband has found it hard he doesnt like to show his emotions but he found it very hard being with me as i had the procedures to remove the baby's as my body didnt realise they had died. He said he just felt so helpless that he could'nt do anything. Sara
So sorry to hear this, I had a loss last year and it was devastating for both of us, but I think it was hard for my OH to know how to talk about it.

Wish you luck ttc again but take your time and make sure you're both ready - mentally and physically. :hug:
I'm sorry to hear your sad news, we lost ours 7 weeks ago and it was the hardest thing me and hubby to be went through (we decided to get married and planning that has kinda helped) i just wanted to send you loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and your wife :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry for both of you with your loss, it happened to me at 11 weeks a few months ago and it was horrible and I just blammed myself

Take care of yourselves and there is hope out there and this forum has made me strong and has been the best help, I got far more info and advise from here than I did from the hospital and doctors.

xx :hug:
Hi Nick TB, sorry about your loss. We lost our little Sam earlier this year. I know how you feel, seeing your OH in such pain and heart is so hard but you have to be strong for them, it is hard for you too. Its probably not something you will forget and overcome easily but it does get easier. We already had Charlotte who was there for both of us, and kept us sane although too young to realise. Being confident and wanting to keep on trying can seem worrying and difficult, and you have more concerns when it has happened. We continued trying after Sam, luckily we now are expecting again, we are past the 20 week point, so things can look well.
Keep trying for another, it will happen, be there for your OH, she will need your support and in a way that helps you and gives you a reason to look forward to better times ahead. The worry doesn't get less but the rewards in the end are worth it. Good luck and best of luck. Chris.

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