as you can tell by the title its all just random its gone midnight and just felt like posting few things.
hope no one minds
firstly want to send lots of hugs to everyone who has lost a baby so many of us know how hard it really is and sometimes i feel i cant say the right words straight away so tons of hugs
someone said to me the other day was in hospital with friend who sadly had a m/c and asked if i was pregnant and i said no this was before i found out so she said why was i hear etc i didnt wanna be rude so just said my friend might be miscarring so just there for support she said she was sorry and that she too had just m/c her 5th child, all under 12 weeks and the doctors said they would look into it after her 3rd m/c which she said they never did she kept phoning and all sort of things so by now she said she wasnt moving from this chair till she had some tests done.
she just seemed such a lovely brave lady who just sat their even after we left refusing to move as she needed answers and she was only slightly older than me and she had this look of determination on her face just telling me she wont give up till she had that baby in her arms and tonight thats making me cry but in a nice way she was so so strong.
i wont ever for get the look on her face part of it was sadness but rest of it was just sheer determination i cant explain it but i went home and just prayed for her
and that girls is what i will be doing for all of you all the time you will all get that georgous baby in your arms one day and i know i will too because i took some of her determination away from her and im gonna start using it for myself and others to get what we all want.
love you guys loads and wish you all the best

hope no one minds

firstly want to send lots of hugs to everyone who has lost a baby so many of us know how hard it really is and sometimes i feel i cant say the right words straight away so tons of hugs

someone said to me the other day was in hospital with friend who sadly had a m/c and asked if i was pregnant and i said no this was before i found out so she said why was i hear etc i didnt wanna be rude so just said my friend might be miscarring so just there for support she said she was sorry and that she too had just m/c her 5th child, all under 12 weeks and the doctors said they would look into it after her 3rd m/c which she said they never did she kept phoning and all sort of things so by now she said she wasnt moving from this chair till she had some tests done.
she just seemed such a lovely brave lady who just sat their even after we left refusing to move as she needed answers and she was only slightly older than me and she had this look of determination on her face just telling me she wont give up till she had that baby in her arms and tonight thats making me cry but in a nice way she was so so strong.
i wont ever for get the look on her face part of it was sadness but rest of it was just sheer determination i cant explain it but i went home and just prayed for her
and that girls is what i will be doing for all of you all the time you will all get that georgous baby in your arms one day and i know i will too because i took some of her determination away from her and im gonna start using it for myself and others to get what we all want.
love you guys loads and wish you all the best