A few questions


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Hey there, I wondered if anyone can help me out with a few questions?

We are now going onto our 10th month of TTC #2 and i'm starting to get quite disheartened :(

It all seemed so easy the first time round, we didn't even really "try" that hard!

This time however is taking longer and i'm, wondering if there are things that have changed for me that are maybe making it a bit more difficult?

So, my questions are:

1. Can having a baby mess around with your cycles? (ie make them longer?)
2. Can my diabetes be playing a part in not being able to get pregnant this time round? I was diagnosed during my pregnancy with my son so I didn't have it when we tried the first time TTC.
3. I had a c-section with my son, can even this be playing a part in it?
4. I am obviously now older, I was 34 last month and with being that little bit older there are lots of other complications that can come with that as well as having my diabetes on top. I suppose, i'm wondering how long we try for before we give up? I suppose in a way I’m glad we started TTC #2 when we did as I naively didn’t think it would take this long 
Maybe i'm over-thinking all of these things, and maybe there isn't anything wrong and it's just not happening right now for us.

Any help/advice and one can give is greatly appreciated
My advice wuold be go see your GP,one you like if there is one and explain to them.

At around 36 years old gps aught to offer initial tests for both you and your hubby aometime from 6months of tryng to conceive onwards.

This is because this is the age they recognise as being when fertility *can* begin to reduce in a woman.

under 36 depending on your medical history and pre existing conditions,gps seem to want to wait from 18 months to 2 years.

But it depends on your medical history and your hubby's too.

So a chat with your gp would be what id recommend.they may be able to put your mind at rest about whats worrying you about c sections and diabetes and such and also give you an idea of when they would want to begin offering you tests.

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Are you any different in weight to last time you concieved, as I know this made 10 mths difference wikthttc with my number two? I was less weight than before.

I have a freind who has diabetes and although he is the man rather than the lady, they told him that it could be the cause of the problem of his lttc

I agree with seraphim , talk to your docs, they should be able to advise and start helping you, rather than wait, and at least your 1 year of ttc will be coming round , they should have to help

good luck, let us know how you get on
Thank you for your replies ladies!

I was really very down about this all of last week, I suppose i thought it would be so easy this time around and now being in our 10th month has made me realise that it's not as easy as we thought!

I have bought some vit B6 for this month and have been taking extra folic acid since CD1 too so we'll see how things go this month. I'm going to see my GP next week for a chat and see if there is anything else I can do, there are so many factors that are different this time around though that it may be hard to pin point what the problem is (if there is one!)

I've also bought some Soy, but it didn't arrive in time for this cycle so if we don't catch this time, we'll use it next month. Next cycle will be 2 years exactly since i fell pregnant with my son, so if we don't fall this month, *hopefully* it'll be a nice anniversary present!
ps. I meant to say, I am around about the same weight as last time give or take a few lbs.

I actually weighed myself this morning, I was just over 8.5 stone (i'm 5ft 7in) so healthy weight and BMI ;)

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