Few random questions?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Right i have a few questions that i could do with answering, some important some notat all :lol:
First of all i know we are supposed to limit caffine during pregnancy but ive been dying to have a red bull, would one hurt do you reacon?
Right this is the important one, i was thinking about it yesterday about whats going to happen with Hope when i go into labour, i was thinking about letting everyone know to be on stand by near my due date although its gonna be hit and miss with people working, Gal said 'whjy dont we just take her with us' :? Im not so sure about it tbh, i mean i dont mind her being there at all but i dont know whether it will be fair on her having to be there as im thinking its gonna be at least a few hours and im sure she wont wana see mummy in pain. He says we can just take loads of toys and stuff for her to hkeep her occupied, what do you all think????? xxx
Hi Mel :wave:

Well i havnt had one before so its probably worth letting you know i cant advise you from experience but i can offer you an opinion ?

yea you are supposed to limit your caffeine intake whilst pregnant but you can still have a few cups of coffee a day, im not sure how much caffeine is in a can of red bull but surely it cant be any more than that? I have between 3-4 cups of tea a day. I dont think a can would hurt you. I remember in the early days after i found out i was pregnant i researched caffeine intake on google so i know theres information on there that you could have a look at.

With regards to your daughter, she loves you more than anything in the world, she could have the most interesting toys in the world by her side, you could even give birth in toys r us, she would be aware that her mummy was in pain. I think once she'd noticed it once she'd focus on you and probably find the experience really quite distressing.
I've got family coming to hospital that wont be in the room with me but will be around in the waiting room or cafe waiting for news, is there anyone like that that she could stay with so that she knows your not far away and you also know shes safe with loved ones, in the same building. It will be a long day for all but that way she'd get little walks around and things to do rather than be in 1 room watching her mummy in pain.
Just an idea? hope it all works out great for you, good luck :) xx
Regards to caffiene...no one wont hurt. I treat myself every now and then with a decent coffee from Nero or somewhere, as I decaff tea it everyday.

As for your LO, I wouldnt personally want mine seeing me in that much pain, and if its a long labour, its gonna be longer for her, and she might also get bored very quickly.
Hun Im sure one red bull will be perfectly fine, go and get yourself one.
I must be wrong then but I drank coffee all through my pregnancy.
Whys it supposed to be wrong?????

I agree LO should not be there as you will be in a lot of pain.
Its not a place for a child and in my opinion women who allow it are wrong as it can have an effect on the child.
Im am talking from knowing someone who did it and her LO had nightmares and became very clingy as there was a lot of blood.
You just never no whats going to happen in Labor.
No amount of toys will distract her from your noises of pain hun.

I would get someone on standby to collect her when you go into labor :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
it may sound sill but my biggest worry with a sibling being there at the birth is that they would resent the baby for hurting mummy :think:
I'll let you into a secret ....... my names Natalie and i'm a redbullahollic :oops:
Up until recently it was said that you should limit to 300mg per day - Red Bull has 80mg of caffeine per can (well researched by me) The limit is therefore equivalent to four cups of tea, five cans of cola, three energy drinks or five bars of chocolate.
However last week the Food Standards Agency lowered their current recommended caffeine limit of 300mg a day to 200mg.

Some days i will have 2 cans when feeling low, others i have none - i worried at both my scans about the effect of it but it is the same as a cup of coffee.

As for Hope, do you have any friends / family that can be on hand if you need them? i dont think it would be ideal to have her there, not least if its the middle of the night :hug:
i have the odd redbull or coffee when i'm feeling rundown, i'm sure i read somewhere you can have up to 5 cans of redbull a day, but that seems a lot to me! i always think of this cartoon:

Thanks girls, i didnt think the hospital thing for Hope was one of Gals great ideas tbh :roll: Im gonna try and find someone to look after her :)
I agree with everyone else!
Well that was easy! lol :lol:
Mel&Bean said:
[quote="lea m":2pg7kkjt]I agree with everyone else!
Well that was easy! lol :lol:
Best answer weve had all morning that one!! :rotfl:[/quote:2pg7kkjt]
Well what can I say?! ;) Just full of helpful, insightful information me! :lol: :lol: :lol:
lea m said:
[quote="Mel&Bean":2bi9eeq1][quote="lea m":2bi9eeq1]I agree with everyone else!
Well that was easy! lol :lol:
Best answer weve had all morning that one!! :rotfl:[/quote:2bi9eeq1]
Well what can I say?! ;) Just full of helpful, insightful information me! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote:2bi9eeq1]
I expect nothing less from you darling :wink: :lol:
Mel&Bean said:
[quote="lea m":2tompdrt][quote="Mel&Bean":2tompdrt][quote="lea m":2tompdrt]I agree with everyone else!
Well that was easy! lol :lol:
Best answer weve had all morning that one!! :rotfl:[/quote:2tompdrt]
Well what can I say?! ;) Just full of helpful, insightful information me! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote:2tompdrt]
I expect nothing less from you darling :wink: :lol:[/quote:2tompdrt]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
she tries her best bless her, we cant ask for more then that eh :rotfl:

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