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A Fathers point of view of being pregnant *warning - very upsetting story*


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Me and my wife are new to the third tri so not many of u may of seen our posts before so hello to all our current friends on the forum and everybody else that is nursing thier little bubbas towards a healthy pregnancy.

For anyone that does not already know me, I'm Mike. My wife ellie is 27 weeks pregnant.
I'm so so happy to know i am going to be a dad at last. we have been trying for a long time and have finally got what we wanted. so far pregnancy is all going well. (for her anyway, lol, for me its all cold nights with no covers and she has seemed to developed a annoying snoring rythem that could someday become a hit in the music charts), apart from that all is well. she's happy im happy.

Well i say happy, actually I'm shitting a brick!!!!!
Its not that im scared of being a dad, its not that im scared that things will change and that my life will never be the same again. I'm looking forward to our new life with our little Alfie. The problem is, coming from a fathers point of view anyway, I have personally seen to much when i worked in our local hospital as a porter years ago. I keep having this reacuring nightmare every single night for the past 5 weeks. just over and over and over, everything the is the saem little detail everytime.
The reason why is that i love my wife more and i could ever tell her. she's my best friend, the love of my life, my soul mate, my lobster. theres nothing i wouldnt do for her, and now Alfie is on his way, I now have him to share all that with aswell.

Heres the story.
When i worked as a porter, sometimes i be sent to womens health clinic, or labour ward, all places regarding pregnancies to transfer women to and from different departments. But there's one event that has all of a sudden cropped back into my mind.
It was about 11pm and i waiting for the a midwife to get a paitent ready so I could take her downstairs to wait for her lift home. while waiting i could hear the normal screams that are normal for that place while the babies were born.
all of a sudden I was tragged by the arm with no warning into one of the room's and told she needs to get up to surgury ASAP. So I snapped into gear and immediately got her going on her way. I remember running with the bed as fast as i could, considering the beds weigh about half a tonne, down the halway shouting at other people to "mind thier backs".
The lady on the bed was at this point was not in a good way. She looked pal as a ghost, barely moving, speech was slured, eyed wandering everywhere. I will never be able to forget her face. White lady about 25 years old, blonde hair, green eyes and cracked lips like they were very dry.
I could tell by the look on the 3 midwifes faces that she was in trouble. The lady on my left stayed lent over the bad all the time talking to her saying "keep looking at me Sofie", But i never even thought about what was wrong, my goal was just to get her to surgury so that they could get the baby out of harms way.
All of a sudden the midwife to my left shouted stop, which i did. The same women then pulled the bed backwards into a room. I placed the bed in the middle of a room which was not surgury and then stepped back into a corner out the way so i was close by if they needed help moving her again.
I stood there watching as pure mahem broke loose.
One women still lent over the bed talking to sofie, one women furiously searching through cubpards, and the other midwife talking in a urgent voice on the phone franticlly trying to get a surgen to meet them in this room.
Obviously at this point i was no use, so i just kept shut and hoped that all of a sudden one of the women would suddenly stand up and say, "she's ok now". I remember praying in my head for this women that i didnt even know, praying that some miracle would happen and she would be ok.
After about 2 mins of them poking around talking technical stuff to each other all 3 women suddenly slowed down. I sort of perked up out of my stunned glaze of amazement that i was stuck in, thinking that she was ok now. one of the midwifes then looked up and turned her eyes and me. I knew this particuar midwife pretty well and she knew me. She knew what was going through my mind just by looking at my face.
All of a sudden she shook her head and it was then i realised that Sofie was not ok. Sofie had in fact died right in front of me. These 3 midwifes had worked thier ars of doing everything they could to help her.
The same midwife then walked me out of the room and hugged me and then said "cry on me if you need to". She knew me well and knew that i was an absoloute softy.
I then watering up becasue of what i had just seen. I kept thinking i should of moved her quicker.
The midwife then looked at me and started to explain what had happend.
I assumed that she was in breach or something like that, but she explained that she had already had her baby boy. But he did not survive. He died during birth. They then noticed that Sofie had developed a bleed. That was why i was asked to rush her to surgury.
I was broken up about what i had just seen infront of my very own eyes.
I had watched this young good looking lady bleed out and die all within 5 minutes. And then to find out what had happend to her son just killed me.
I then walked back to the ward to collect my CB radio and bag and return back downstairs.
I got back to the ward desk looking for my things in silence when i heard a man burst into tears shouting "NO, YOUR WRONG, YOUR WRONG". The man was Sofies husband.
It suddenly hit me that watching Sofie go through what she did was nothing compared to watching her husband life being demolished in front of my very eyes.
At this point in my life I could not even imagine what that man was going through.
But now I'm older, I'm wiser, I'm married, I'm going to be a dad whether i like it or not and in about 13 weeks im going to be in a room next to a bed holding my wifes hand as she gives birth to my new little treasure, and becasue of this i am now non-stop worrying and every single night, like I said I have a reacuring nightmare. The nightmare is my story. My true life event that i was un lucky enough to take part in, except im not the porter. I'm sofies husband. Ellie is on that bed. And Alfie is that sweet little baby.

I'm scared to sleep!!!!!!

I wake up everynight in tears and immediately hug Ellie and dont let go until after i fall asleep. I will never let go of her, I will never let my little boy go. They are my family and not even the lord almighty will get them out of my grip. They are mine for good.

I found out that this kind of thing is very rare. I meen I worked in that hospital for over 5 years and transported 4-500 women with thier newborns around the hospital and in all those years this was the only occasion i had any personal affect on.
It turned out soon after that Sofie was a drug abuser. You wouldnt know by looking at her, but thats what caused the bleed.

I am sorry if i have affected anyone telling this story but sometime you just have to tell a stranger whats bothering you to get through hard times.

I cant bare to tell my wife my little story because i want to appear that im staying strong for her sake. I just wish she knew how much she means to me.

Sorry if i seem to bore anyone with my story, and thanks to anyone who and has this far.

Cant wait for April 23rd so this torture can be over with. :dance:

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It really is rare though that something bad happens. Your wife will be fine and your have your gorgeous little boy in 13 weeks!! :)
What a heart breaking experience :( but as you say, it's extremely rare and your wife and son will be fine. We have a great health service to be proud of. Have you considered maybe talking to a counsellor about your anxiety? It seems the only way to get over what happened. You wouldn't have to give your wife the while story, just say you need help dealing with bad dreams.

Having a baby (whether your the mum or dad) is by far the best experience of your life! It will be a happy event and you will be so proud of her and Alfie. You sound like a great dad already x
Sorry to hear that and cant imagine how you must be feeling but you're wife will be fine and you're baby boy! You just need to keep thinking positive things and with that nightmare re-occuring everynight just remind yourself that you're wife and baby will be fine! xx
A bit of a warning might have been nice on this post!!
I'm so sorry you've had to go through all that :hug: This sort of thing is so, so rare though. Do you think it might help if you went to talk through it all with someone before your wife's due date? It can't help bottling it up, not sleeping because of it and trying to keep it to yourself so that you don't worry your wife? The birth of your child should be the most amazing experience of your life, and while we all know that occasionally tragedies like this do happen it's important to remember that it is incredibly unlikely. I can't imagine how you must feel having witnessed it yourself, and I do hope you can find something that helps you cope with it that so that you can enjoy being there for the birth. Were you offered any sort of counselling afterwards?

I hope you don't mind but I'm going to edit the title of your post just so that people know what to expect before reading it :hug:
Firstly, hey mike :wave: long time no see! Glad to hear you and your wife and the pregnancy is going well :)

What a sad event for you to have witnessed. Absolutely amazing that you are brave and have witnessed things we would never ever expect to see, so well done. Just remember that lady is such a rare occurrence and it really doesn't happen very often at all. I can only hope you dot worry too much about this as it's not goingnto happen to you. Maybe you writing that has actually helped you a little-as I'm sure it's not something you can easily discuss with your wife as she hasn't got long! But please try and not worry. I know it's easier said than done. But your son is going to be gorgeous and your going to be a very happy family. Just loom into the future, beyond birth and stuff and think of all the amazing things you'll be able to teach your son! That's what gets me going :) your a brave man, and remember that your a strong person. Glad to see you over here in tri 3! I remember when your wife was just pregnant :D time flies. X
I must admit that story had me in tears!
Everything will be fine with your little one and wife, and you really should try not to worry, obviously that is easier said than done though! I agree with sam's mum when she suggests you speak to someone before the due date, it may help put your mind at ease and help you to relax a bit more so you can get a decent night sleep!
Also I would like to thank you for sharing your story it must have been so difficult for you, and being able up open up on here like you have is so brave and I hope we have been able to comfort you even if it's just a little!
Oh Mike!! :hug: :hug: That must have been so so hard for you to watch :hug: And you poor thing, I'm glad you have shared it with us, not offended at all :hug: You are such a lovely man, things like that happen very rarely.. I know even people who haven't witnessed something so horrific worry half to death so I can't even imagine how you feel, your wife is very lucky to have someone who loves her so very much :flower: You will be fine, and sail through with flying colours, before you know it you will be on posting us some lovely piccies of Alfie! xxx
This has had me in tears, i cant imagine hw hard it must have been for you to witness soething so sad. Your wife and little boy are so lucky to have a husband/father with such a big heart full of love.
They will both be absolutely fine and in a couple of months time you will be so happy to have both of them in your arms.
I agree with the other ladies it would be a good idea to speak to someone who could help you put this behind you and deal with your anxieties ... You've taken the first step by sharing your story with us which is so brave, keep on that road and you will start to feel better about it all. :hugs:
As heartbreaking as your story is, and one that I have real sympathy for you to have had to experience, I think you have posted it onto the wrong section of the pregnancy forum. I should think that it would have made more sense to post into the "pregnancy and loss section" (although you haven't personally lost a child) I think the words from other people who have experienced similar things themselves would have been a better comfort for you.

To write about a baby and Mother dying in the third trimester section, to me is a rather cruel and very unthoughtful for all us pregnant ladies who are due to give birth any day.

I am sorry to come across as being harsh, I am very sorry to hear your sad story and that it is effecting you as a Father to be. I hope you are able to find some peace very soon.

I agree with Emma and SkySara, I reported the post for that reason. Not what I wanted to read the day before my due date really when I am already very emotional and anxious! :eh:

Sorry for what you went through Mike but I don't think this was the right place to share your story at all.
I've moved this to the Pregnancy After Loss section as, while you yourself haven't lost a child, I think it's more appropriate there than in 3rd tri where there are lots of women who are just about to give birth and might not want to be reminded that these things do sadly occasionally happen.

Mike , butting my nose in a bit . But I wonder if you should talk to someone ? I would think that experiencing something like that would make you very anxious , I would hate to think it would sour your experience of you child's birth or the pregnancy itself . I think it was brave of you to share your story , and to get it off your chest . I also think you are right to not talk to your wife about it as she is probably already very anxious . Your baby is going to be here and be healthy and happy and no time and then you can move on from the trauma.
OMG, I'm so sorry.
I was just reading through the 3rd tri section and thought maybe someone might have a thought on my issue. I'm sorry, i never even thought about where I had put it, just clicked new post.

Thanks for everyones input. I am very sorry if i have upset anyone by putting in wrong section, and also not putting a warning on the post. That was not my intension.

See this is why its hard to talk about worries, never goes right.

Please forgive me for any problems i have caused. But i have done my research.
For months after that night i searched to find out if this happens often and turns out it dont. obviously this kind of thing does happen, but it is rare. Like i said in the story, Sofie was a drug abuser for many years.

Never told anyone about that story before to anyone. Her face haunts me at night.
Once again im sorry if i've annoyed anyone.

I agree with Emma and SkySara, I reported the post for that reason. Not what I wanted to read the day before my due date really when I am already very emotional and anxious! :eh:

Sorry for what you went through Mike but I don't think this was the right place to share your story at all.

Hi, I am sorry for where i Posted this, but i was emotional, and was trying to post it without ellie walking in and seeing what i was doing, so in total i wasnt thinking correctly. I really really am sorry. It was stupid of me.

But you have to belive me, after me asking many nurses and midwifes in the past and doing a shit load of research on the net, it all accounts to the same conclusion. it is such a rare event. Sofie was a really bad drug abuser. she had been on he-ro-in (not sure how its spelt, lol) for many years. she caused that herself.

Once again I am sorry.
Please don't worry - we know you didn't mean to upset anyone, and we're all here to support each other. Have you thought about going to see someone to talk about how you're feeling? x
Please don't worry - we know you didn't mean to upset anyone, and we're all here to support each other. Have you thought about going to see someone to talk about how you're feeling? x


I have thought about it but i cant talk to people just like that. If i was to talk to someone then it would have to be someone i know and trust.

I no it sounds stupid saying that when i have already told you all on here, but thats different. Its most likely that not alot of people here will ever meet and so sometimes clearing your thoughts to a stranger can help, but stupidly i did it with out thinking and feel so bad about that.

I know thinking about it there was nothing i could of possibly done to help in that room, but having seen it right in front of me, I will always think there might have been something that maybe of helped.
maybe i could of taken a different route to surgury. Maybe I could of run a little quicker. all sorts of things like that.
For months and months after that i Felt like i had failed her and maybe it was my fault.
Stupid really aint it. what do i know about saving a life and how to stop an invisible bleed.

When this happend, i wasnt married to ellie, but we were engaged, and ellie was pregnant, so i wasnt going to tell her what had happend other wise she may worry. exactly the opposite of what i stupidly done last night on here. Sorry.
But then she MC and then all i was thinking about was helping her feel better so i forgot about everything.
Then back in feb 2010 she fell pregnant again just before we married and i never thought about it. She once again MC at about 11 weeks, so again i was just thinking about her.
And then luckily just after we were marreid in July she was pregnant again. and now we are 28 weeks tomorrow and its racking my brains. I am so scared that this dream is going to happen. She only a little umpar lumpar, lol, about 4ft 8 and have seen many times online that cos she is small that baby dont have muuch space to grow it can cause problems. So far its all going brilliant. every night i put my ear to her belly and listen and feel Alfie kick. last night he had the hiccups. was so cute. lol

I honestly cant wait to meet him. Its strange, I havent even seen him yet and already I love him more anything else in the world. Suppose this is what Adult life is like.
Oh Geez im getting old!!!!! lol.


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