A&E doctor has ordered an early scan for tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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This evening around 5ish I started having the cramps luke I have been getting for the past few days but by about 6pm they got really bad, I was doubled over in pain and hubby said 'thats it we are going to hosital' so after being there since 6.30 we left after 10, most of that time spent waiting around in a waiting room full of germs and people being sick by which time my pain was starting to ease, I just wanted to go home and eat my curry!
Anyway the doctor said that she wants me to go to the EPU tomorrow and have a scan to see whats going on. On examination she said ny cervix was closed and she was not feeling overly concerned about a misscarriage but obvipsly can not say what could be wrong wothout a scan.
Finally got our curry on the way back from the hosital and ate by by about 11pm, I was STARVING!!
I am feeling nervous about tomorrow, what if they dont find a heart beat?
Good luck for the scan Hun! I hope all is well with you and baby!



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Hey hun good luck for today, u are very early and at 6 weeks looks like some people say they can see heart beat and some can't, so don't worry urself too much. Also depends if ur dates are right- I was put back a week at my scan. I'm sure u will be fine and baby is growing. Let us know how I goes xx
i had an early scan at about 6 weeks and i remember seeing a little blob, looked like an amoeba!! i had the same as you and it was so reassuring to see that little blob, i went from worrying like a mad woman posessed to feeling so positive.
I think the pains were stretching pains, which there are a lot of xxx
I had these pains hun sadly I refused to go into hospital as I wasn't bleeding and my sister said they wouldnt do anything unless I was bleeding, they were just growing pains as this is my first baby and I had ever been pregnant before but by hell did I feel them I was like you keeled over in pain my OH was worried too x
Good luck hun, i'm sure you will be fine x x x
Good luck for today Hun x i had major pains at 9 weeks had a scan and everything was fine x
Hi hun you just stay calm and relaxed. Let me know how baba is :) xxx
I had the same! They might get you to come bk after ten days to double check as babys so tiny but fingers crossed for you!!
BABY IS FINE!! :yay:

In the right place and has a heart beat of 122bpm!!

I apparently have an Axial and dextroflexed uterus :eh:
Our baby blob :)


Awww look at your little tadpole swimming around :) So glad babes is ok, now you can enjoy Christmas xx

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