Hurrah for breastfeeding.
A doctor up north somewhere upped the breastfeeding rates but quite a high percentage by asking new mums whether they intended to feed naturally or artificially.
I personally (as a breastfeeder) think that is a great way to promote breastfeeding.
Midna's right - there is loads of support available. I joined a group called BIBS (Breast is best support) when Finn was about 4 weeks old and got so much help from my community nursery nurse who runs it. She even asked me if I wanted to train as a BF peer supporter to help support mums who are new to breastfeeding and the course was the most interesting thing ever!
I just thought of some issues that might be a thing for new bf mums - the issue of bf in public. Personally I thought I would never bf in public or would be too embarrassed to do it in front of other people but when you have got a screaming baby who wants feeding NOW, you soon get over your shyness!!! However...there are a few things you can do to feed more discretely if you feel uncomfortable - specialist bf tops (costly though!), specialist bf shawls and poncho type things, belly bump bands (hides your middle while you hoik your top up!), loose tops (How I did it), scarves/pashminas/muslin squares.
Mastitis - I never suffered from it but the cure is to feed though the pain!!! It sounds horrid but you need to empty those block ducts that cause it and take paracetamol. Cabbage leaves can also help - the greener the better - and wear them in your bra. The chlorophyll (?!) in them has a healing effect! (also can draw out splinters!)
Pressure from family/friends/OH's - your family might say that they will feed the baby and sometimes your OH can be quite put out that he can't feed the baby and feels left out. There are other ways that they can get involved such as nappy changing, bathing, playing with the baby. You cannot give your baby a better start to life than breastfeeding. Imagine the satisfaction when you get to 4/5/6 months and start weaning your baby, knowing that you alone have nourished and raised a healthy happy baby. Your family and friends might also get to a stage where they start saying things like "ooh baby's got teeth now, that's the end of breastfeeding!" Is it? Do you really want to give up?
I cannot recommend it enough for so many reasons - here are some!