A bit worried


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I am a little worried :(

I have been having bad tummy pains for a few days, but I think digestively related...not baby related.

I get sharp spasmodic pain when I need to go pass wind or go to the loo, but doing either of these things relieve it. But today I had a REALLY strong pain and then the urge to go to the loo and I wiped bright red blood after :shock:

I am sooo scared, surely if I just had piles, I wouldn't have spasmodic pain with this? I am really scared, I googled rectal bleeding and I scared myself witless.

I am going to make an appointment to see my GP tomorrow...but has anyone had anything similar to this?
id ring yr mw and find out. docs appt is good :)
You might have a tear (anal fissure) which is very common in pregnancy. If you have had or are having trouble going to the loo and have been straining or passing hard stools, it may be that you have torn a little. Or... you may well have internal piles. Both can go undiagnosed for a while but both are treatable.

Best thing to do is to see your doctor as you are and he/she will probably want to examine you internally but should be able to let you know what's up.

Hope that helps xxx
ive not had bleeding but , i have hurrensous tummy pain / ache when i need a number 2 :oops: makes me feel very bad actually and if i cant go even for a day i feel so sick :wall:

ive had an anal fissue before too and it hurts like hell when u do go toilet ? had to use moist toilet tissue and vasaline me bum :oops:
Can't help- sorry...just wanted to wish you luck for the Dr's :hug:
aww hun :hug:

please dont worry. It more than likely to be a fissure. I have had one for yrs which bleeds every now and then. Since Ive been preggo I have this really excrutiating pain when I need a no.2 or am full of wind. I think its where food moves through the gut much slower when you're preggo and can makes stools harder which results in small tears. It could also be good ol' piles :think:

Go to your doc hun just to check. They may give you something to soften everything up like Fiborgel which is an orangey drink. Also drink lots of water too. Word of warning though they might want to have a look / feel so prepare yourself for a lubed finger in your bum lol! not sure if they' do that if you are preggo though but thats what my lovely lady doctor did to me! Worst thing was I burst out laughing as she did my smear test too and I was thinking God woman is there any hole you dont want to poke!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lactulose is also good and can be used in pregnancy - I'm taking it at the moment to try and get things moving a bit as I'm very slow and it is causing pain.

I have suffered from a fissure since I was 17 and go through bouts where if I eat badly or strain going to the loo it bleeds something chronic. At 17 I had suppositories to try and heal it and was told after my 2nd visit that if I went back a third time that I would be referred to hospital for an operation to try to "widen" my bum hole!!! Arghh! Needless to say - I never went back for years and just put up with it until it was REALLY bad.

I was prescribed some HORRIBLE gel a couple of years ago when I had a really bad one and it was the equivalent to GTN spray that people with angina have. It was very scary to use and within 5 mins of "inserting" it, I would have to quickly get to bed because the headache that went with it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before.

Don't worry though, you won't be prescribed something so dangerous in pregnancy!! Sudocrem is another good one for making that area feel better and yes, as others have said, moist toilet wipes (especially ones with Aloe Vera) are great.

Might just turn out you have piles though. They can bleed and you can have internal ones and know nothing about them til they do rupture.

Don't worry about things you have read. I did the same thing and convinced myself I have colon or bowel cancer. I know that's what you're thinking... and don't. You're fine - honest!!!!

Let us know how you get on! :hug:
What they said :D

Sounds like another one of the joys of pregnancy so good luck at the docs :hug: Where's all this "blooming" I've been reading about......??
bumpmakes3 said:
What they said :D

Sounds like another one of the joys of pregnancy so good luck at the docs :hug: Where's all this "blooming" I've been reading about......??

Oh come on now! be truthful! You know exactly what all the blooming is!!

BLOOMING consitpated
BLOOMING lack of sleep

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry! Couldn't help myself!!
YES!! LMAO! Someone lied big time when they said you would be "blooming"! ;)
awww thank you all soooo much for your supportive responses!!!

I have been to the docs and he stuck his finger up my bum!! :shock: :shock:

He isn't too worried, he thinks it is IBS and that the bleeding is from tears inside. He can't give me anything to ease the pain because I am preggers, so I have to live with it :roll:

I think i can put up with it as long as I know it isn't cancer. I couldn't sleep last night for worrying!!!

I have to go back if the bleeding gets worse.

But for now, I feel calmer, so that is good :cheer:
you should be grateful it was just his finger he shoved up there!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
pilkers said:
you should be grateful it was just his finger he shoved up there!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lol :rotfl: :rotfl:

It was certainly not the most pleasant experience I've had :shock: :oops:
he he

I didn't see this until after I saw you today...he he
i would never have mentioned in the staffroom of course
hope you are ok x
:hug: :hug: :hug: aww, glad it's nothing to worry about. I hope your bottoms better soon!
Glad everything is OK HappyBunny.

G3M you made me laugh - "vaseline me bum" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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