A bit concerned ***updated***

Hi guys, I didn't have much bleeding after last night, just very very slight brown discharge. Been asleep since 11 ish as so tired, just went to the loo and when I wiped its bright red, and its actually in the toilet pan now and it wasn't before (if that makes sense)!

I have a pad on so might leave it an hour but Im worried again now!
I hope you our ok Lulu
After hearing a strong heart beat im sure it ok
Of course you can not help but be worried Hon
It's only natural and only demonstrated what a great mum you our!!!!
When is your scan? you said its soon that will settle you fears
Lol Sarah :hug: :hug:
my scan is on the 8 feb, a few weeks yet.

yes, hearing a strong heart beat has made me feel better, just the sight of red blood :shock:
hello hun,

what did hospital say to do if you get more bleeding?

I think they said if I was worried or experienced more bleeding before my scan to give them a call - always feel like I'm being a pain for worrying too much!
oh no hun, dont feel like a pain. If you bleeding again call them!! brown to red means fresh blood so you need to call them babe. :hug: :hug: :hug: its their job to look after you and if you have to ring them or go there every hour then thats what you have to do.

I think I will go to the loo at about 4 which is an hour since I last went. See how it goes, monitor it and then give them a call if I'm still concerned!

honestly hun Id call them and say you went into hosp last night, the bleeding subsided but now you have fresh red blood and just see what they say

I agree with Tillytots - I think you should call them.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
went to the loo at 4 and it was only there when I wiped! - very odd!
I would still them ring them hun and see if they can move your scan forward so you can find out why your bleeding.

Dont worry about being a pain thats what we pay our taxes for.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lulu, how are things now??

You may just be one of these unlucky women who bleed during pregnancy, some women still have periods dont they!!

Let me no how your getting on, have been thinking about you

:hug: :hug:
Hi there,it seems to have settled down a bit this morning. Hardly anything at all.

Rang work, my boss not there yet. I just said I may be late as I wanted to try and speak to my midwife. The woman I work with said I should be off but I have no sick pay left.
Hope all is ok hon
Good news there has ben no further bleeding :)
How did it go with your midwife???
Hi guys, sorry for the delay in replying!!!

The midwife rang me back and was lovely. I told her what they said at the hospital and she said it sounded positive, although they couldn't guarantee things. She said At least I was out of the 'pre 12 week stage'. She also said, that unfortunately, if I was going to miscarry there is nothing I can do, I just have to think that there would be a reason for it at this stage of the pregnancy, but she said she felt more positive than negative about it.

She told me to stay off work, preferably for the whole week (Which I cant do) but at least today. (I am off tomorrow anyway so would be back on Wednesday)

So....... no more bleeding today! :dance: extremely tiny amount of discharge but you really have to look to see it on the pad, so fingers crossed all is ok!!!...................roll on the 8 Feb for my scan.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your kind thoughts, words and wishes!!!..... I love this forum!!!! :hug: :cheer:
so glad everything is ok hun! :hug: :hug:

make sure you take it easy wont you! NAG NAG NAG :rotfl:

Thats brilliant news hon :D
Take things slowly when you go back to work
Let them know you need to be eased gently back in to work.
IM wrapping you in cotton wool till you scan.
Lol Sarah
Glad you have had no more bleeding but if you do you should go back to the hospital.

Cant they bring your scan forward by a week or something so you dont have to wait as long although its not long till the 8th Feb. Lots of woman bleed throughout pregnancy for no reason so it may just of been one of those things.

Glad you feeling better now and like Sarah said take it easy and try not to overdo it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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