Who should i ring? if anyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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This weekend I have been having some quite sharp pains - nothing like I have had before - not constant pain either. Yesterday I was out shopping and went to the loo and wiped brown cm away (sorry tmi) and today I had some more but paler. I dont really know what I should do. Should I call the midwife / doctor / or EPU? I am a bit scared....
just go straight to the hospital..as its early you should be able to get away with it..you could try ringing nhs direct or your out of hours gp? but you shouldnt spot any time after 16 weeks..
Called the EPU in the end - the doctors was engaged for ages and the midwifes was just an answerphone. They have told me to see my GP ASAP and they will probably refer me to the EPU.

I am scared now :(
I did make an appointment for the docs - its at 10.40!
Gemma... just go to the hospital... Spotting in the second tri is never a good sign... Good luck hunny... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just been to the doctors - she was really nice and gave me an internal examination - which she said everything was fine - she found the babys heartbeat - which was fine and checked my water sample which was also fine - She couldnt find any reason for the pains or spotting (spotting has now stopped) and called the epu and they are going to see me on Weds for a scan and then a chat with the midwife there.
The doctor advised me to take it easy so I havent gone back to work and am gonna veg out on the sofa for the rest of today.
I feel a bit better and not so worried now I have seen the doc. The pains are still there they feel like bad period pains - I am gonna take some parcetomol and hope that helps!
Thanks for your advice girls! Will keep you posted!
Just seen this, so sorry you have not been good.

Glad the doctor has been able to put your mind at rest and now you need to rest, put your feet up and relax.

Keep us updated :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks! I am okay - Think I made myself feel worse by worrying!
I was okay about the pains and thought I might have had an infection or something, and would get to the docs today anyway - but after I saw the blood I was worried sick!
I am sorry you have had all this worry honey!! I am glad the doctor has eased your mind, get lots of rest and take things easy :hug: :hug:
Hope you are OK now, this sounds so much like I had last weekend, everything seems fine now and feeling lots of movement which is reassuring, but it is soooo scary when you find blood.
My GP said its quite common, to try and take it easy and listened to heartbeat too. He said to mention it at my 20 week scan this week so they are aware and can have a close look at the placenta, but couldnt say exactly what caused it.
He was very keen to tell me it was cervical erosion caused by having sex which it definately wasnt! OH should be so lucky LOL

I am trying to take comfort in the fact that you hear of women who have 'periods' all through their pregnancy and get through it ok, also in that the emergency doc I spoke to on the saturday said if anything really bad was happening there would be considerable pain at this stage and probably heavier-than-a-period bleeding.
Try not to stress out too much I know its so hard not to
Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope both you girls are ok. Thinking of you both xxxx

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