a bit worried.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I had my 38 week midwife appointment today at the appointment got the usual done, bp,heartbeat check,feel of the tummy and measured.

After the midwife measured me, she said baby is small for the weeks pregnant I am,,,, basically my baby hasnt grew for 2 weeks and she has booked me in for a scan on tuesday. When she was on the phone she asked if the baby is small will they be taking me in, and then said ok just wait and see what happens.

She came off the phone and said I'm not to go away and panic, at the scan they'll check the size of baby,etc and IF anything is a concern then the medical team will speak to me and deal with things from there. She said i'm not to worry as i'm quite small in height and quite neat so could just be a small baby.

basically i'm 38 weeks tomorrow and baby measured 36 this week.

Does anyone know if this is anything to worry about and if anything is found as a concern what happens and know what the midwife meant by taking me in if anything is a concern ???

I'm trying not to worry but I cant help it, I cant fully understand what's going on tbh !!:shock:
Try not to worry, easier said than done I know.
As far as I know the measurements the midwives do isn't that accurate anyway -and can be two weeks either way so if youre 38weeks but measuring only 36 weeks then youre not too small.
Its good that she's booked you in for a scan as you can get some reassurance. If in the meantime youre worried make sure you keep an eye on babies movements and if you notice a lot less movements then contact your midwife or hospital.
Don't worry. Ian measuring 35 today and I'm 40 weeks and 4 days. X
like the others have said try not to worry, when i was 34 weeks i was measuring ahead at 36 but then 2 weeks later at next appt i was on normal track!! think it all depends on who measures you and where baby is lying.xx

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