A bit of Festive Cheer!

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Hi girls, :wave:

Well it seems this month has been an absolute :censored: for a lot of us. I can't speak for myself just yet, but I have not had one single "text book" PG symptom so I'm expecting AF in the next week.

I thought to cheer us all up a bit it might be an idea to get Christmassy, considering as there is only 2 DAYS left until December!

*Deck the halls with bows of holly, tra la la la la, la la la la!*

I know some of us have put our Christmas Tree's up already, so do you fancy sharing some pics with us?

For those of us that haven't put our Christmas Tree's up yet, why don't we try and think of three things we're really looking forward to this Christmas?

I'll go first:

1. The time off! I've got 12 days off over Xmas & the New Year & I can't wait!
2. This is my first Christmas in my new house and I'm really starting to look forward to cooking dinner for everyone and playing host!
3. The option to have a drink! I haven't had a proper drink since August and I can't wait to have a glass of bucks fizz at breakfast & then drinking Baileys whilst cooking my turkey!
I'm putting my tree up on the 1st :)

Best three things...
1/ Get to see my family more often than usual.
2/ I get to wear all my wardrobe at once and not look as daft as usual. Seriously, i love layering - so 4 tops, 2 pants, 3 pair of socks, gloves... oh i love wearing hats too! I get to put my hats on :dance:
3/ Ummmmmm christmas bonus so we can finally have a new kitchen and news floors!!! We're been living in poverty for 11 months and now we can push on with the renovation :good:
Love this thread :) Could resist posting again!
I love christmas and cant wait for this christmas for a number of reasons
1) cant wait to see my LO's face on christmas morning
2) lots of time off work to spend with friends and family
3) hopefully lots of bd, as ive got my fingers crossed the :witch: would of showed up by then
4) after christmas day there is only 6 days left of 2010 (gladly going to wave bye bye to a shit year!)
I could carry on but im going to post a pic of my tree :)

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This will be my 2nd Christmas with my OH but my first ever Christmas day without being with my mum and dad....mixed emotions. We are going to take turns you see as we live in Cumbria where i'm from but my OH is from Bristol...so this year we are going down there..back up here for boxing day though an so 2 x christmas days.....

I'm even more excited this year because....

1) I think OH is going to propose...... :)
2) If numbrr 1 happens, then it means that I can start to plan our wedding for next Christmas...(he actually said last night that we will be getting married next christmas)
3) I hope that it will be my last Christmas without being a mummy so this means that I'm going to have lots of sex in front of the xmas tree on the rug by the fire....lol...well, why not...

think i'm putting our tree up on wednesday :)

1) looking forward to my time off from work, last working day is wed 22nd until 4th jan yay :)
2) Get to spend 3 full days (Christmas eve, Christmas day & boxing day) just me & OH without work interrupting or getting in the way
3) as I wake up before OH hoping on Christmas day I get my BFP as that's my testing day & can wake him up with a cuppa & a card that says happy Christmas daddy love bump
1) looking forward to my time off from work, last working day is wed 22nd until 4th jan yay :)
2) Get to spend 3 full days (Christmas eve, Christmas day & boxing day) just me & OH without work interrupting or getting in the way
3) as I wake up before OH hoping on Christmas day I get my BFP as that's my testing day & can wake him up with a cuppa & a card that says happy Christmas daddy love bump
Thats lovely Kezza (hope you dont mind me calling you that) i really hope your OH gets that christmas card on christmas morning :) x x

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Hey mummy2adam
No probs at all about kezza :)
Awwww thank you, as much as I wanted my BFP this month kinda had a suspicion it wouldn't be & never been a fan of Christmas if I'm honest, bit of a humbug but have got so much better over the last couple of years so this would just be amazing if my Christmas wish to santa came true
Thank you hunny, it had to match my living room, sad i know!

Well lets hope that you have the best christmas ever and santa brings you a bfp, my fingers and toes are crossed for you x x

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i have just bought wrapping paper cos it matches my tree decorations which match my living room....he he... xx
Im glad im not the only one that has gone colour matching mad hehe! My OH thinks im mad and would of just hung anything on the tree and bought any wrapping paper, tags and ribbon he could find! x x

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They are brilliant Jenny :) x x

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Wow gorgeous cakes jenny!

I love xmas, waiting till the 1st december to put up my tree.

Three best things about xmas for me
1. spending time with family that i hardly see
2. eating all the yummy food and over indulging in chocolate
3. Just the whole atmosphere of cheer and cosying up infront of the fire when its snowing outside :)
Those cakes look amazing!
I bought some nice festive cake cases in ikea but mine are never going to look like that!
I'm looking forward to
1) going back to England to see my family and friends
2) My traditional xmas eve pub crawl with my two friends from primary school where we always end up bumping into loads of randoms that we never see again for another year
3) My dad coming back to Italy with me to celebrate new year with OH.

Just need to persuade OH we need a new xmas tree, ours is so rubbish!
It's hard to be festive with the crappy month we're all having, but anyone else got any more Christmas tree pics to share?

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