A bit of advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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Hi girls,

I am hoping i could get some advice from you.

I got my bfp a week ago and i am 4+6.

On thurs i had cripping pains and started to bleed. I saw my gp who examined me and the neck of my womb was fully closed. I had a scan yesterday but was too early to see anything. I also had bloods which showed hcg at 292 and have to go back in the morning for more to check whether it is increasing/decreasing.

All day i have had a horrendous headache and about 5pm this evening started to bleed again, this time heavier. It has stopped now, but what i was wondering is if anyone has lost at this stage and what i could expect?
I am hopefully assuming it would be just a heavy period?

Any advice welcome, thanks in advance.

I lost at 6 weeks and it was like a very heavy crampy period :hugs: xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Thanks hun.

My first i lost at 13 weeks, and that was the most horrendous experience of my life, with no medical help at all.

It scares me to think i could do it agin but realise that at this stage it probably wouldn't be anywhere near that bad.

Not nice is it hunnie but I think you're right, likely to be more like a heavy period at this stage :hugs:
We're all here for you :hugs: xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Thanks Cosmic.

I'm gonna try and remain a little bit positive for my bloods tomorrow, and hope it's all ok, but deep down i think i know the outcome.

Keep an open mind love, so many have bleeds (big ones too) and everything is just fine. I hope this is the case for you too xxx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
i hope everything is ok for you hun :hugs: i lost mine at 14 weeks so cant compare with your dates hun, like cosmicgirl said many do have bleeds and its ok , keep us posted hun
My last one was actually less painful/ less blood than a regular period. My one before that was a sudden heavy rush of blood one day and very light bleeding for two days after. The bleeding wasn't as bad as I would have expected, either time.
I'm really sorry you're going through this xxx
So sorry tohear you are going through this. update as soon . Good luck today. xxx
Sorry Kred! Hope for a good news today! Xxx
I have had more browny coloured goo this morning, i don't think this is a good sign :(

So sorry you are going through this. I lost two at 7 weeks and they were both like a heavy period with clotting. Quite painful for the first day but ok after that. I also bled 3 times with this one and am now 21 weeks so theres always the little bit of hope you should hold on to. xxxxxxxx

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