A bit nervous about tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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So Im going to this connections day where Ill meet other mums & mums to be under the age of 22. I think It will be a great experiance and I can make some new friends.
But I wont no anyone and I get all shy when I meet new people and dont no what to say.
Im just gonna keep telling myself itll be ok and thell all be really nice :)
But it should be a good day out :dance:
Im sure once ya get there ya will be fine and just remember that everyone is prob feeling the same way you are hun!! xx
It'll be fine once you're there, I bet the nerves will just disappear!

Hope you have a good time :)
Thanks hun :)
I just didnt no if this was like an anual thing they go to and im the new girl.
Or if everyone will be new.
hopefully I wont be the only new one :pray:
Im not sure hun, but even if some know each other im sure there will be other new people there as well and you :)
i went to loads of these when i had my son james and they are great fun :dance: :dance: hope it goes well :hug:
Aww hope you enjoy it and make some new friends hun :hug: :hug:
Think of it this way, hunni. The other people who are going want to meet new people too, or they wouldnt be going, would they? You should have a lovely time, and dont worry about being shy, just remember they are all young and new to the " mummy thing" too!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you have a super day!

I went to Young Mums for a bit, it was for udner 19s and I was the youngest there. They were all nice enough girls, but I didn't have much in common tbh. I haven't really kept in contact with any of them,outside the net, though I did go back and give a talk on breastfeeding :lol:
Good luck hun, I'm sure you will be fine! Once you're there, your nerves will probably disappear and you'll enjoy it, it sounds like a good way to meet other mums-to-be in the same age group as you!

I remember Amber's first day at Nursery... I was so nervous as I thought I'd probably be one of the youngest mum's there and all the others would know eachother, but once I took her in, my nerves went and a lot of the other mums came over to introduce themsleves and say hello and we all had a nice chat, and believe me, I am one of the shyest people you could meet (only when I first meet people though!) I think you'll be fine though! :hug:
So I went :)
& It was actually quite good.
I did feel a bit out of place as I was the only one there today without a baby lol
But 4 or 5 of the girls were talking to me, and I held one of the girls babys, it was only 3 months old. Was holding onto my finger, he was sooo cute.
One of the helpers there was only 17 so i was sat chattingt o her alot of the time.
Theres a few girls there that seem a bit umm how to put it..ruff. Shouting at there kids all the time etc but none of those girls talked to me anyway lol
Definatly going abck next week :)
Holding the baby was definatly the best bit :D
Glad you enjoyed it.. it's always good to have lots of support :D
That's a really lovely idea! I'm so glad you had a great time and managed to meet a few other younger Mummies :D

I was the youngest at all my groups too and I used to be so embarassed going there on my own with no man - They must have thought "oh right, young Mum to be, no man, single, must be a slapper" :wink: So it's nice that there is a group out there for you so you don't feel boxed or anything :hug:


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