Hiya! I've had period type pains on & off all day and can't help worrying! Tell me this is normal please- I've had 2 babies before but can't remember!! I still feel really bloated (and look it!!) which isn't helping I don't think xx
Sounds normal! I worried last week when I was 8-9 weeks with thus type of pain. Had a scan at 9+2 saw a heartbeat and a wriggling little bean. Pic is on the left! Hope all is well x
Thanks all! After an early night with a hot water bottle the pains seem to have gone! I'm not normally a worrier but why is it when you're pg do u worry about every little pain?? Seeing MW on Tues for my booking in appt so I'll mention it then xx
I am 8 weeks tomorrow and have had strong pains in my stomach. I have twinges, but this feels stronger. Also bloated. Looking at everyone's comments hoping its normal
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