8dpo... symptoms...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I just had a look in the mirror this morning and i noticed something Ive not had before , my breast aerolas have become really dark and i mean dark..! I have had bad heartburn the last days so I am not trying to get my hopes to high up.. I wonder if there is other reasons than pregnncy why breast aerolas become darker, PMS?? :roll:
no darlin never heard of them getting darker with pms. Only with pregnancy as far as I am aware. Have you tested? I know its way early but I know what Im like xxx oh my god I feel the need to check mine just in case ha ha xxx
and your opks are reading positive if I remember from your other thread. Hun are you sure your not pregnant?xxx
In short, no :good:

Sure it could be a skin infection or cancer - but neither apply here.

The skin infection would either be something that you are already aware of that has broke out on your aerola or occurred due to breastfeeding.

Cancer would typically be asymmetrical - occurring in the exact same region on both breast at the exact same time isn't going to happen.

So don't worry about it.

The only other main cause is hormonal fluctuations. Typically pregnancy, possibly pill related.

I think it i a a really good sign :D The chances of it being anything other than pregnany completely out of the blue are next to none!

Yay! :dance::dance::dance:
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Not sure, I am a bit slighty confused did pregnancy test when I was having bleeding as not sure if I was having miscarriage, I got 3 faint positive test just before bleeding.. And the pregnancy test as hospital turned negative, but the doctor said it could be negative as it couldnt pick up hcg with the blood ( sorry details)
So got positive OPK after that week after bleeding everyday ( had 4 days bleeding) .. I havent done new tests after..

Got bad heartburn now, feel bloated and my breast aerolas are really dark never had them so dark in my life ( been pregnant before) and been so sleepy.. But dont want to think too much into that.. Maybe just do a test today or tomorrow?

It's still too early for a HPT, but not too early for changes in your areolas.

I would hold off testing as long as possible on this one... a BFN when your experiencing real symptoms is just going to mess with your head.

I call it a real symptom because it can't really be anything else - it might still be present from before a mc but not appear afterwards from what i can find.

Symptoms aren't always the same and if you breastfed your first child - maybe that altered the blood vessels around your nipples? Maybe that could explain it... maybe not? I don't know :D

Just try to keep a level head. Maybe take a photo of your aerolas for your records so you can compare if it isn't pregnancy.

Fingers crosssed :)
Hi, I dont wanna get your hopes up but with this pregnancy, at 6DPO I had the worst heartburn ever(only ever had it during pregnancy before) and acid reflux (which I have never had before) I tried not to get to excited but I am indeed pregnant. I hope you are too xx
thank you. I try not to get too excited already but its a real symptom for meg..
Only reason why I could see why I get heartburn etc, I eat healthy and dont drink soda etc.. Boobs really sore today.. Will wait to next week and just live as normal I can untill then and keep taking folic acids:p
Was wondering about the CB digitla tests that shows how many week you are etc. I seen some get 1-2 weeks on the tests, so u can test really early with them
I got my bfp 3 days before period due with Clear blue digi, tested today as well lol, I had terrible heartburn and my nipples stuck out :p
I just had a shower and its so real, the dark lines around my aeorlas never seen anything soo dark before and so tender, and so heavy.. I actually have a very good feeling now, and cant help getting a little excited..:clover:
Best of luck ! another thing I had terrible bloating and everyone irritated me :D Also had headaches as well
Not much headache here, just soo tired all day, cant get up in morning and have afternoon naps and go to bed early..the last two days .. I already have a girl and i feel bad as I feel too tired to do anything
Hey, yes and theyre not dark :-( but..... for you....OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! ha ha ha oh fingers xxxx when you doing a test hun? I CANT STAND THE SUSPENSE!!!! mwah and a big hug xxx
My sister came over with a pregnancy test:rofl: and it was 8 months out of date, excited as I am i took it anyway haha.. and it was a cheap test ....and negative...:roll:
omg scandicmum, this seems like this is it for you, ignore the 8 months out of date test lol.. wont be right anymore! fingers crossed for you xxx
Fingers crossed for you it sounds promising! good luck. x x

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