8 weeks today


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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woohoo im 8 weeks today :) thats 4 weeks since I got my BFP, I thought time was going slow but I cant tell ya where the last 4 weeks have gone!!!

Is everyone else feeling like time is rushing you by?? at first i thought it was dragging but now looking back it seems to have gone really fast :?
I feel the exact same hun i cant believe its been nearly 9 weeks since my BFP
Happy 8 wks Mrs B :hug: I cant believe how fast time seems to be going either!!! :cheer:
Yay :cheer:

Same here hun, I cant believe how fast its going!! :D
You wait until you get to 30 weeks or so hun, the time will just whooooosh by! Enjoy every minute of it xxx
Its going really fast for me but I cant wait till the sickness has gone, any idea how long it lasts x
Happy 8 weeks :wave:

I was thinking about you wondering how you are. :hug: TTC is quiet without you :D
It is whooshing past me too and I only found out 6 weeks ago
It must just be me then who feels like it's dragging by!!! :oops:

I think because we're planning on telling OH's family next weekend (even though I'm a bit scared as they didn't know we were ttc) and mine the weekend after it makes me feel like I'm waiting for Christmas or something and it's taking bloomin' ages!

Plus we get our dating scan at 14 weeks round here and OH doesn't want to tell ANYONE else until then - so that'll be about another 6 weeks from now. Not sure how I'm going to cope!? (i'm not v patient or good at keeping secrets as you can tell :lol:)
A&J said:
Happy 8 weeks :wave:

I was thinking about you wondering how you are. :hug: TTC is quiet without you :D

awww sweetie, thats so nice! I keep popping into TTC to see how you girls are all doing!!!
I cant believe im 10 weeks! Only 2 more to go til im in tri 2! Scary stuff! I think its gone even faster this time cos i have james so i dont have time to think about it iykwim
Yeah, i'd say it's flying by for you!!!

Well done - only 4 more weeks til the big move next door!
I feel the exact same hun i cant believe its been nearly 9 weeks since my BFP

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