August is finally here!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
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Wow i cant believe its finally August and were gona be having our babys soon!!! im due the 29th so still got 4 weeks left yet.

i know for some of you the weeks have really dragged but personally i dont know where the time has gone!! (ok, these last few weeks are dragging a little !!!! lol)

Well its not long now ladies!! How is everyone feeling? Im just waiting to get it all over and done with and finally hold baby in my arms!!

Good luck to everyone, Take care

Steph and bump x
I am due Aug 25th and that is all I think about. Time is definately dragging for me now. I hope the time comes soon!!!!!
Am due on the 20th and time is dragging for me too. I am whinging all the time right now and can't wear any shoes as my feet and ankles are too swollen. All my visits to the MW are going well though, I just have Michellin Man feet !

Let's all hope these weeks fly by even though I am scared but excited.
Good Luck, I hope my little girl decides to come a little early. I cant wait to see her.
From a selfish point of view I too want my baby early, but I know it's best it stays in as long as poss, I wish I could fall asleep for a week then wake up in labour - lol :)
lol dont worry im sure these last few weeks will fly by, just think by this time next month, labour will be over and done with and our babys will be here!!!! (well hopefully anyway!! due 29th so knowing my luck ill be late!!) hopefully my little boy will come a few days early but well just ave to wait and see i guess!!

would be nice if midwifes could tell us the exact time and date!!! ha ha!!!

steph and bump x x
True Steph, not long to go, I am trying to keep myself occupied but Can't do too much about the house. I am also finding it hard to walk around so I can't do much outside - grrrr !
Hi everyone

Well I cant believe August is here already. Ive only got 9 days left to go and was really excited, but my mw just informed me my baby is breech so got to go to hospital tomorrow for a scan, and if to try and see if the baby can be turned, if not, they will book me in for a C section, of which I REALLY dont want.

Does anyone know how painful/successful/harmful turning the baby is ?

Worried Sam & Bump
I cant believe we are almost done. I have 3 weeks left and I cant wait!!!!
10days left and its going no where :cry: i have had no twinges and no signs of labour or anything starting to get worried!
i have started getting the dreaded phone calls everyday with "have you had any contractions yet?" and my reply of "NO!!!!!!" :evil:
ARGH!!! stop asking!!! :evil:
im so fed up and dont feel like i can cope is anyone else like this?
Yes, I feel like I cant go any longer. I get so frustrated and then feel bad that im getting this way, I know its not my babys fault that im anxious and uncomfortable, but its so hard when you get this close!!!!
I am due next week and I haven't even had my 'show', feeling bit down now cos am sure baby will be two weeks late just to keep me impatient!

Is very difficult to find motivation to do anything, am very big but not had more than a few braxton hicks contractions per day, nothing regular and have even been drinking two cups of raspberry leaf tea per day to try to get something going but no luck.

Boobs have only leaked twice so far, in the night, I am beginning to wonder if there will be anything in there for baby to drink when he comes out!

Aaarrrggghh so frustrating and is dragging like mad. Have read all my baby books at least three times!!!! :shock:

yippee my baby has turned and im informed thats its head is well down!!!!

just a week to go and cant wait

Been to hospital this morning for check up, I am 39 +1.

They are sweeping my membranes next Thursday, does anyone know what this really involves and does it work?!!!

sambump said:

yippee my baby has turned and im informed thats its head is well down!!!!

just a week to go and cant wait


Great news - phew !!

Saw my MW today and the baby is now nearly fully engaged yaay, they took bloods as my ankles and feet look like they belong to elephants !! I think all is fine but they want to be on the safe side.

I have had not show yet, but spoke to my mum (who has had four babies) and she didn't even know what a show was and never had one, so don't worry too much if you don't get one, if may be it's tiny and you just don't notice it.

Good luck girlies :)
When i last seen midwife she informed me that the head is fully engaged now too!! just as i got excited she said that this didnt mean it would come any earlier!! doh!! she also said weight would be around 7lb 1. so was quite pleased about that!!

Well only 3 weeks left, will be 37 weeks on monday so bring on the currys, raspberry tea etc !!!

Good luck everyone not long now!!!

Steph and bump!! x
Hi Everyone

Well ive only got 4 days left till my due date and im really excited!

Ive just started Raspberry Leaf Tea which im told may help bring on/assist labour but as yet, nothings happened. Ive had no 'show' and or braxton hicks and im convinced im going to over and need to be induced but we'll see???

I do keep having lots of pressure down below, which feels a little like bruising so im hoping this means my cervix is preparing etc.....fingers crossed as I cant wait to see my little one now.

Good luck to everyone

Sam & Bump

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